Message from @NubTIK
Discord ID: 753393270142402638
this is an issue of cutting off somebody elses body part, which they might not've chosen on their own
99 percent of people didn’t chose to have it cut off. But the majority of those people don’t mind it
I’d a large amount of people really care for some reason then it’s an issue
those people dont know the mere orgasmic power having one has
It’s not the insanely different
I’ve looked into this
The orgasm is the same
It’s the sensitivity that’s different
i've talked to people without one that claim that having their penis touching their pants/underwear without issue
gl with that uncut
can be downright painful if it touches due to the sensitivity
Don’t understand what you said
Re word it please
orgasm might be the same, a lot harder to get there, which might result in lasting longer sure
and all I said above was; the sensitivity is so intense that having the exposed part, usually covered by the foreskin, touch your pants, can be super uncomfortable
as an attempt to explain how different it feels, ei the sensitivity
That doesn’t sound good lol
well the point being it shouldnt be exposed
but we're still focusing on the right of deciding on other peoples atonomy
Not when it’s the parents doing it
so you'd be fine with cutting off their arm too?
Obviously that’s a horrible analogy
no its not
you just said its the parents right to decide what their child keeps on their body
which extends even after they're 18+
Cutting off the foreskin can prevent medical defects, easier to clean And is popular amongst most people. Cutting off the arm is non of the above
the result of doing it is out of the question here
its the right to personal atonomy
The one kid that wasn’t circumcised in my high school that I know about got made fun off all through high school and was called the hooded bandit
I don’t want my son to be called the hooded bandit
in your culture it makes sense that it's looked down upon, since the majority has gotten it done
a very good way to stray away from the question at hand though
in my school everyone had 1 toe and 2 teeth