Message from @T2the2ndpowr
Discord ID: 753397151555387493
is this another joke argument?
if you think this is a good argument you can LITERALLY make the case for cutting off their arm
if its her anatomy
why not?
Because it’s not something that happens
Be reasonable
but what if it would? would you support it?
I can’t stand when people have to use unreasonable analogy’s because that’s the only way they can back up there point
Cutting off a child’s arm for one could kill the baby and two the baby would be forever crippled
and if the mother decided to cripple her own anatomy, why not?
The same cannot be said for circumcision
Because that’s obviously against human rights
exactly my point
If you really can’t see a difference between human circumcision and cutting off an arm then you’re ridiculous
there is a massive difference between the two, thats not the point
so do you support female genital mutilation?
But it’s a point to be made
That is totally different
Circumcision doesn’t
Female mutilation is nothing compared to circumcision and I think it’s ridiculous to even compare the two
it's a reduction to absurdum. that's a fair tactic
I’m sorry but I think it’s a ridiculously unproductive tactic
Fair sure
But you learn nothing from it
its meant to show the insanity of your argument
But it didn’t in this case
@T2the2ndpowr you're ignorant of the issue. I think you should really educate yourself before you argue for something
t2, the problem is your argument was that it was previously part of the mothers anatomy a second prior, and that's why its okay
and then you apply different variables to the outcomes of the aciton which has nothing to do with your initial argument
I think people obviously draw the line in cutting someone’s arm off
It’s just dumb to even assert that
@T2the2ndpowr will you listen to a lecture
We can hop in VC
You're a dishonest interocular I'm not going to have a discussion will someone that refuses to analyze the evidence
I asked earlier what being circumcised feels like. Like the depth of the sense of loss. I tried asking if it’s seems more or less valuable to any other body part. I was criticized for this, and I can see why. But I’m still curious what it feels like and what it means to the person who feels loss.
I know what I know from my own experience of being circumcised and from all my friends being circumcised. I don’t feel abused, sex is great, masturbation is great I’m not sexually handicapped
Did you mean to spell intellectual @tom