Message from @Jarlkage Productions
Discord ID: 742800197372870686
@everyone if anyone else has questions for my Christian friend who 'hears from God' get them in! I'll be recording the video conversation!
@everyone we are live!
@everyone I'll be streaming my conversation with my former youth pastor into the voice chat! it will start in at about 9pm Eastern. Join the stream! I'll have the audio off but I'll be able to read your questions!
we are on in 5!
Sorry, I had to stop the stream. My laptop can't do it.
@ThePangburn I got permission to give this to you and you can upload it if you want!! He and I are gonna make it a weekly thing. Nobody had ever asked him why he thinks faith is a reliable way to get to truth.
@everyone as I struggle through advanced math.... Memories of the past.
Just the best
Both Video's tickles my Fancy in different ways... One thing... Does Brian Cox Wears Face Paint ? Or is it just Me ?
If He does not, that must be weird to have the appearance to wear make up if you do not...
@everyone Show Naz some love in the comments for being brave!
Man you guys are funny
@James B there are assumptions made by science that aren't justified by science or even reason
> @James B there are assumptions made by science that aren't justified by science or even reason
@Jarlkage Productions wat
Science works by developing models, deriving predictions from them (if this model is accurate, what would we expect to observe, for example). If those predictions are met, that's evidence for the model, yada yada
But if you try to use science to justify science, that's circular...
And it's the way it is.
Using science to justify science? You mean using science to learn about the universe?
How do you know science works, as in being a reliable way to learn about the universe? I accept science, but those are issues that you can't justify rationally with science...
I'm a fucking atheist btw. I like science, but it be the truth
What can't we not justify rationally with science?
The reliability of science itself
That's one example though
There's others
Give me another.
The laws of logic
How are science and logic incompatible?
I'm not saying they are. Science uses logic. It's that Naz is correct. There are these assumptions that science works with that are faith-based. Or maybe that's not what he meant... But there is faith involved in the process/method
They aren't faith based. Logic is self evident. That's different than faith.
So, how do you define faith? I use the definition of belief in the absence of reason
@Jarlkage Productions "There are these assumptions that science works with that are faith-based" yes that is correct
> @Jarlkage Productions "There are these assumptions that science works with that are faith-based" yes that is correct
@James B ugh. You two have at it.
@m.miller This is a conversation between you and @Jarlkage Productions
is there any reason to belive in god?
I'm not trashing science. I like science, but it ain't the only way of knowing
and if not why does this belife seem so concistent throughout time?
and i dont talk about physical prove