Message from @ruffu4
Discord ID: 742808321068892240
I'm an honest selfish atheist
what do you mean by that
everyone is selfish to a ceritan extend it can be positiv to be selfish
i think it realy depends on the circumstance
you put your needs above all in every circumstance ?
well ok gl hf xD
For the most part, I act out of desire for my own happiness...
I was influenced by Nietzsche and Ayn Rand...
but it can make one happy to care for the ones he/she loves
You're right
You understand then
but thats not selfish by definition then
Well, call it what you will
I don't care for semantics
i like my words to be percice
But I'm honest about the pursuit of my own interests and that's my morality
my morality seems somewhat flexible at least to a certian extend
i feel like sometimes morals restain one self to find out about them xD
If you follow morals made by old religions or philosophies that don't care about the pursuit of your own well being..
maybe to a ciertian extend
thats verry true
but also its not if yoou concider them to be unversial truths about human existenc
again it depends
and thats what i belive to be god
cant show you my messurment data tho
but things like also love your enimies seems like a verry hard and usefull thing psychologically spaking
but you have to think a while to realy understand what it means at least i need to
and it means not to become a enemy of somone yourself
witch makes the world a little more comforting to everyone
and more free
to think and to make mistakes by thinking because thats implicit to thinking
Science does make assumptions and holds to a certain "faith" that these assumptions were, are and always will be.
The big one is faith that all that occurs in the universe has a natural causation
and that type of faith isnt bad why should it be. there is good reason to belive something to be true unless there is better reason
what about quantim mechanics tho ?
no natural causation can be tetermind there