Message from @therealdandan
Discord ID: 754385964796739707
You said that
we need evidence to prosecute them
or treat them in a negative way
Obviously it can’t be forensic
as a collective
Sexual predator😂😂😂
for example in white collar cases the standard of eveidence shifts from without resonable doubt to proponderence of the evidence
we need to understad that even if there is eveidence that he might be a sexual predetor its not enough to convict him, but it does not mean I shouldnt be more suspicous of him. When accusations are made they should be taken seriously and when there is more than one testamony it raises our level of suspicion, and should raise our lever of suspicion.
Yet its not enough to convict. This is more due to the was we structure of legal axioms not our indevidual ones i def am suspicious of Krauss
Hey guys. Unfortunately I wasn't able to thank you all for a warm welcome until now. So, thank you.
Staying up until 1:30 am to hear your ideas was worth it 😁
@Plumabear great to hear!! We will be having an open mic again today! :)
What did they accuse Lawerence Krauss of doing specifically?
go to <#733748216901926993>
to continue the converation
@therealdandan By ‘white collar’ do you mean civil? If it’s a ‘white collar’ criminal case, the burden of proof is still going to be beyond reasonable doubt.
> @therealdandan By ‘white collar’ do you mean civil? If it’s a ‘white collar’ criminal case, the burden of proof is still going to be beyond reasonable doubt.
@davesp1903 yea you are right my bad used wrong word
This article outlines a lot of the accusations that have been made against him. Virtually all of the accusations are him talking out of turn and/or making inappropriate jokes
Then, Hensley said, Krauss made a comment about her eye makeup, and got very close to her face. Suddenly, he lifted her by the arms and pushed her onto the bed beneath him, forcibly kissing her and trying to pull down the crotch of her tights. Hensley said she struggled to push him off. When he pulled out a condom, Hensley said, she got out from under him, said “I have to go,” and rushed out of the room.
Right. To me, this is the only accusation that really deserves any notoriety
DL(aka interlocuter)will be debating the atheist, Tjump, later this evening in Voice Chat. It'll begin at 6pm eastern time
@Catholic_Traditionalist in this server?
Am I allowed to tell you where? Or does that go against this server's rules?
I mean why bring it up if you aren't planning to say where? You can tell us where it is as long as you aren't spamming the chat with self promotion.
Ok, then,... It'll be in the voice chat of the "Enlightenment" discord server
Okay cool.
hello all. I know this server/channel occasionally talks about the issues of pedophilia and child attraction. I recently made a video about the issue in relation to current events . My opinion is probably less mainstream and more in line with what I've seen some people on here say. Any support or feedback would be appreciated. Please excuse the perhaps abrasive introductory sequence
@kings I'm inclined to agree with you. Society has turned it into a witch hunt.
@ThePangburn whens this juicy trump v biden youtube live starting?
yes I'd agree. The first step to finding a good solution is acknowledging the nature of the problem. The problem seems to be that some people have attractions that didn't choose which if acted on have the potential to cause harm. Witch hunting people for thought crime is, in my view, highly unproductive
@everyone today will be Trump and Biden appreciation day on the Open Mic. Going live within the hour.
Fuck yeah, man. I'll be taking notes when it gets spicy to avoid going full Dillahunty again like yesterday.
Lol Never go full Dillahunty...
*repents in a dramatic fashion *
what does it mean going full dillahunty?
Hahaha. It means you rage on someone and shut them down.
oh haha 😄
damn, I kind like Dillahaunty tbh