Message from @Dr_Evol500

Discord ID: 762038175366643723

2020-10-03 19:40:39 UTC  

more half truths

2020-10-03 19:41:32 UTC  

Even with 6% range those are reasonable levels. O2 won't be started until 92%.

2020-10-03 19:41:34 UTC  

also note he mentioned when the last negative test was, not when the positive test was

2020-10-03 19:41:37 UTC

2020-10-03 19:42:05 UTC  

Chaotic the point is they dont say when that was taken

2020-10-03 19:42:54 UTC  

Doc was clearly told what not to say, given points to aid him talking around the answers

2020-10-03 19:43:10 UTC  

Don’t lewd

2020-10-03 19:43:15 UTC  

I’m warning you

2020-10-03 19:43:16 UTC  

When asked if POTUS was NEVER on oxygen, he spoke over the journo and didnt answer.

2020-10-03 19:43:27 UTC  


2020-10-03 19:43:36 UTC  

O2 sats would be the easiest thing to promote. You can throw someone on CPAP in end stage heart failure and get their O2 to 99%. Hell vent patients can be at 95% easy.

2020-10-03 19:43:53 UTC  

Suddenly we’re all doctors

2020-10-03 19:44:00 UTC  


2020-10-03 19:44:20 UTC  

The fucks a doctor

2020-10-03 19:44:20 UTC  

We're just talking about the info coming out and what isnt

2020-10-03 19:46:36 UTC  

He’s fine.

2020-10-03 19:46:46 UTC  


2020-10-03 19:47:02 UTC  

@everyone does anyone in the server have a medical background?

2020-10-03 19:47:34 UTC  

@dankbanshee you know that one guy does and I know quite a bit

2020-10-03 19:47:38 UTC  

SABC training like every year

2020-10-03 19:47:41 UTC  

What's up?

2020-10-03 19:47:42 UTC  

Great BP, 96% o sat, good resting hr, no o2 needed... I think he’s fine

2020-10-03 19:47:42 UTC  

Not worth an everyone ping

2020-10-03 19:47:46 UTC  


2020-10-03 19:47:49 UTC  


2020-10-03 19:47:55 UTC  

I know how to put on band aids

2020-10-03 19:48:00 UTC  

What can I do?

2020-10-03 19:48:01 UTC

2020-10-03 19:48:06 UTC  

Does being institutionalized a lot count as a medical background?

2020-10-03 19:48:12 UTC  


2020-10-03 19:48:29 UTC  

Not personally but I know a high level doc in a major american city who is on the Covid response team. I could ask if given questions

2020-10-03 19:48:30 UTC  

I dont know anyone besides Odin who has a medical background

2020-10-03 19:48:35 UTC  

Going for my BSN

2020-10-03 19:48:37 UTC  

Do you have a sucking chest wound

2020-10-03 19:48:55 UTC  

Trump just needs some good vodka

2020-10-03 19:49:03 UTC  

> Do you have a sucking chest wound

How hard does it succ??

2020-10-03 19:49:10 UTC  

some good Russian Vodka

2020-10-03 19:49:11 UTC  

I have a coworker that is really good at Googling and giving unwarranted advice, would you like to speak with her?

2020-10-03 19:49:23 UTC  
2020-10-03 19:49:24 UTC  
