Message from @JB Ego

Discord ID: 761050583578574849

2020-10-01 02:20:15 UTC  

Some of which were if Trump loses and won't leave

2020-10-01 02:20:17 UTC  

Is that the thing where the northwest states and Cali seceded if trump won

2020-10-01 02:20:24 UTC  

The war game the democrats did earlier this year where they hold up the elections with mail in ballots. Deem biden the winner no matter what the ballots say. Than secede from the union and call for help from the blue hemelts

2020-10-01 02:20:26 UTC  
2020-10-01 02:20:31 UTC  


2020-10-01 02:20:42 UTC  

I hope for chaos😈😈

2020-10-01 02:20:54 UTC  

I think it’s possible that states secede

2020-10-01 02:20:57 UTC  

But unlikely

2020-10-01 02:21:10 UTC  

There will be chaos tho

2020-10-01 02:21:15 UTC  

It could get weird but people are lazy

2020-10-01 02:21:20 UTC  

Riots much worse than what we’ve seen this year

2020-10-01 02:21:28 UTC  

fuck democrats

2020-10-01 02:21:32 UTC  

And i think a star ship trooper type meritocraic Republic is the way to go for a government structure

2020-10-01 02:21:34 UTC  
2020-10-01 02:21:51 UTC  

What’s that mean

2020-10-01 02:22:28 UTC  

You don't have a vote by default

2020-10-01 02:22:42 UTC  

If your a soilder you get to vote for the president

2020-10-01 02:23:03 UTC  

If your a net tax payer you vote for congress

2020-10-01 02:23:04 UTC  


2020-10-01 02:23:11 UTC  


2020-10-01 02:23:18 UTC  

That’s interesting

2020-10-01 02:23:21 UTC  

You have to have a peice of the pie to participate

2020-10-01 02:23:22 UTC  

wtf where did that plan come from

2020-10-01 02:23:26 UTC  


2020-10-01 02:23:28 UTC  

that sounds supremely retarded

2020-10-01 02:23:36 UTC  

It's a satire

2020-10-01 02:23:42 UTC  

oh lol good

2020-10-01 02:23:50 UTC  

That movie is hysterical

2020-10-01 02:24:14 UTC  

Classic movie

2020-10-01 02:24:23 UTC  

I think it boils down to, should people who don’t contribute to society have the same weight of voting as someone who does

2020-10-01 02:24:47 UTC  

<:do:760601906745442364> <:war:760601855335596052>

2020-10-01 02:25:00 UTC  

They seem to be going through with it 1 for 1

2020-10-01 02:25:04 UTC  

They did it before

2020-10-01 02:25:07 UTC  

There will be street violence no matter who loses

2020-10-01 02:25:29 UTC  

because democrats

2020-10-01 02:25:39 UTC  

Last time Democrats seceded we burned their shit down and then they called us carpet baggers

2020-10-01 02:25:47 UTC  

fuck them

2020-10-01 02:25:49 UTC  

Yeah but one ends with un boots on the ground and the west coast secedeing

2020-10-01 02:25:52 UTC