Message from @Vicious

Discord ID: 761464190728667136

2020-10-02 05:41:41 UTC  

and i would never fuck a chink @Ricky Beanbag , even i'm not that degenerate

2020-10-02 05:41:44 UTC  

trump getting stem cells and 12yo blood transfers

2020-10-02 05:42:37 UTC  

he's off that dreenochrom🅱️ now

2020-10-02 05:42:51 UTC  

@platonic chain mix of both but really affective to kill coronavirus

2020-10-02 05:43:05 UTC  

@Sevonas i see you lurking <:atlast:758774926869004348>

2020-10-02 05:43:14 UTC  

tfw didn't shield Epstein so they won't give him the juice hidden in the island temple

2020-10-02 05:43:22 UTC  


2020-10-02 05:43:32 UTC  

God forgive me, I'm watching AgendaFree unironicly

2020-10-02 05:43:43 UTC  

Trump won't die

2020-10-02 05:43:51 UTC  

never say never.

2020-10-02 05:44:03 UTC  

He is the fucking president they'll ask area 51 Aliens to operate on him

2020-10-02 05:44:03 UTC  

inb4 he dies

2020-10-02 05:44:27 UTC  

What will Q Anon start pushing if he dies?

2020-10-02 05:44:38 UTC  

trump might have pissed off enough glowies and deepfags to block him from getting the shit they keep locked under langley

2020-10-02 05:45:04 UTC  

Didn't trump stop taking HCQ since everyone ridiculed him for it

2020-10-02 05:45:27 UTC  

for once i agree with this pedo

2020-10-02 05:46:11 UTC  

same tbh

2020-10-02 05:46:28 UTC  

Cannot retrieve tweet

2020-10-02 05:46:39 UTC  

keem puts on a personality like everyone else but you can tell with his interactions w leafy what's really going on

2020-10-02 05:46:50 UTC  

"if china made the virus, and the president dies, IS THAT ASSASSINATION?"

2020-10-02 05:47:20 UTC  

Well it's already attempted assassination

2020-10-02 05:47:35 UTC  

China will be happy today

2020-10-02 05:47:38 UTC  

What if this was china's whole plan?

2020-10-02 05:47:46 UTC  

But it got out of hand

2020-10-02 05:47:54 UTC  

It's not assassination, it's jsut more deniable hybrid warfare.

The USA is in no condition to do anything to China over such a thing. As far as attacks go, China has basically had nearly a year of just fucking haymakers on the USA.

2020-10-02 05:48:01 UTC  

"was infecting your own people part of the plan?" "OF COURSE!"

2020-10-02 05:48:23 UTC  

Yall forgeting boris had covid

2020-10-02 05:48:30 UTC  

oh yeah

2020-10-02 05:48:33 UTC  

Boris is 20 years younger

2020-10-02 05:48:37 UTC  

Chinks suicide themselves in the past, why not now?

2020-10-02 05:48:42 UTC  

and was inches from death on a ventilator

2020-10-02 05:49:16 UTC  

US' only real leverage over china is a hot war tbh

2020-10-02 05:49:40 UTC  

that's why we've been waving our carriers in their faces, hoping they give us justification by attacking them

2020-10-02 05:49:46 UTC  

No, aggressive decoupling is a *SEVERE* threat to China.

2020-10-02 05:49:53 UTC  

Belt and Road is super successful.

2020-10-02 05:49:56 UTC  

China will move on Taiwan while everyone panics.

2020-10-02 05:50:25 UTC  

But not enough that hyperpreferential trade deals with friendly states can't compete with.

2020-10-02 05:50:57 UTC  

The taiwan thing is the huge threat, honestly. But I don't think they'd dare, when asymmetric methods have been proven to work.

2020-10-02 05:51:09 UTC  

Dictatorships can wait decades.

2020-10-02 05:51:17 UTC  

Democracies can't.