Message from @based
Discord ID: 762828963940532244
rip MN
Orange juice
and Tequila
Any lockdown of any sort is fucking lunacy
Bro bro BROOO listen to me now
And coca cola
Trust me
That's how you say Shalom
Coke and rum is normal lol
Wait actually?
Like Jack and coke
No no Powerade and vodka. The drink of daydrinkers working from home
I'm a whiskey sour guy
Jack and dr pepper trust me
91 octane trust me
110 octane trust me
Jet A-1 trust me
Arak and grape juice trust me
Plastic bottle gilbeys and 89 cent shasta soda trust me
Karosene cant melt steel beams trust me
Styrofoam and gas bro
Trust me
Needle I found on the street in SF trust me
you picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue
85 octane trust me (i was born in a secret base underneath the denver airport, send help plz)
Queso blanco and ocean water trust me
Hey! You're kareem abdul-jabbar!
Plz snipe
Damn we dont have that bot anymire
Pls snipe
There's nothing to snipe!