Message from @alohahiway
Discord ID: 494999830662348815
IS Cruz there?
I'd bet that's not a true qanon person. We use our brains to find truth.
well I'll be ----look at that... and we sat here and listened to his statements propping up his DEMS
someone suggested Alyssa Milano was texting to set up anti-Kav protests, or to make sure everyone is in place
@Pop Ahh the pic of Spartacus i found on Twitter! lol lol just click on blue link
I don't hate people, but________
someone has marked me idle, but I'm live and online
We can only hope for DYING LYINSTEIN
lyin bish
this bish had a spy for how many years?????????
..."And we all know that Dyin Lyingstein always tell the truth...right? right? hahahaha
her chinese spy leaked it??
feinstein looking bad
So many lies
my staff says we didnt leak we didnt. it leaked itself
lets all just chit chat
ugggh harris
he gonna uber school her. he has already shown his disregard lol
luv it Alyssa had a anit Kavanaugh poster
My my.... wish I could have brought her home to momma... but momma woulds kicked my but for bringing home stray dogs...