Message from @MrScabbyUnderpantsEsq

Discord ID: 495792367450718210

2018-09-30 02:47:21 UTC  

utter and total bullcrap. About her fear of flying she said she was "able to get up the gumption with the help of some friends"......yet it turns out she flies rather egularly

2018-09-30 02:48:04 UTC  


2018-09-30 02:48:05 UTC

2018-09-30 02:48:29 UTC  

@RadixVerum haha, yeah I forgot about that. thats how they get into the "club" at those higher levels

2018-09-30 02:49:49 UTC  

wow. some heavy stuff

2018-09-30 02:50:30 UTC  

It's been going around since yesterday - I know I posted that on my twitter yesterday

2018-09-30 02:50:34 UTC  

either participate yourself..OR go out and sell a good coverup and you are in like flynn into their club

2018-09-30 02:52:11 UTC  

What is this Lindsey Graham "wink" I have heard about???? where is it on video??

2018-09-30 02:54:11 UTC  

😄 🍺 😂

2018-09-30 02:54:53 UTC  


2018-09-30 02:55:17 UTC

2018-09-30 03:00:09 UTC

2018-09-30 03:00:50 UTC  

you'll quit posting such good stuff - I can't catch up!!! go have a beer and a cookie, please

2018-09-30 03:01:05 UTC

2018-09-30 03:01:16 UTC  

She's going to take a "hard look" at running for president she says...

2018-09-30 03:01:51 UTC  

Our group is the last of their kind

2018-09-30 03:02:29 UTC  

So Feinstein’s fame as mayor was after the murder of the mayor of Frisco, ummmm what was her real roll in that.

2018-09-30 03:04:40 UTC  

These events helped bring national notice to then–Board President Dianne Feinstein, who became the first female mayor of San Francisco and eventually U.S. Senator for California.

2018-09-30 03:04:41 UTC  

you will be again

2018-09-30 03:04:57 UTC  

the antenna

2018-09-30 03:05:20 UTC  
2018-09-30 03:05:56 UTC  


2018-09-30 03:06:43 UTC  

Right after Jonestown
On November 18, news broke of the mass deaths of members of Peoples Temple in Jonestown. Prior to the group's move to Guyana, Peoples Temple had been based in San Francisco, so most of the dead were recent Bay Area residents, including Leo Ryan, the United States Congressman who was murdered in the incident. The city was plunged into mourning, and the issue of White's vacant Board of Supervisors seat was pushed aside for several days.[6]

2018-09-30 03:06:57 UTC

2018-09-30 03:08:28 UTC  

Feinstein who was then President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, saw White immediately exit Mayor Moscone's office from a side door and called after him. White sharply responded with "I have something to do first."[8]

White proceeded to his former office, and intercepted Harvey Milk on the way, asking him to step inside for a moment. Milk agreed to join him.[9] Once the door to the office was closed, White positioned himself between the doorway and Milk, pulled out his revolver and opened fire on Milk. The first bullet hit Milk's right wrist as he tried to protect himself. White continued firing rapidly, hitting Milk twice more in the chest, then fired a fourth bullet at Milk's head, killing him, followed by a fifth shot into his skull at close range.[10]

White fled the scene as Feinstein entered the office where Milk lay dead. She felt Milk's neck for a pulse, her finger entering a bullet wound[11]. Horrified, Feinstein was shaking so badly she required support from the police chief after identifying both bodies.[12] Feinstein then announced the murders to a stunned public, stating: "As President of the Board of Supervisors, it's my duty to make this announcement. Both Mayor Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk have been shot and killed. The suspect is Supervisor Dan White."[13][14][15]

2018-09-30 03:10:26 UTC

2018-09-30 03:14:12 UTC

2018-09-30 03:14:30 UTC  

my list !!!!!

2018-09-30 03:15:52 UTC