Message from @sly the huntres

Discord ID: 496378922171367444

2018-10-01 17:39:43 UTC

2018-10-01 17:40:48 UTC

2018-10-01 17:42:13 UTC

2018-10-01 17:43:41 UTC  

WASHINGTON (AP) β€” Julie Swetnick, one of the women who has publicly accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, has an extensive history of involvement in legal disputes, including a lawsuit in which an ex-employer accused her of falsifying her college and work history on her job application.

Legal documents from Maryland, Oregon and Florida provide a partial picture of a woman who stepped into the media glare amid the battle over Kavanaugh's nomination for the nation's highest court.
Court records reviewed by The Associated Press show Swetnick has been involved in at least six legal cases over the past 25 years. Along with the lawsuit filed by a former employer in November 2000, the cases include a personal injury suit she filed in 1994 against the Washington, D.C., regional transit authority.

2018-10-01 17:43:59 UTC  

Her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, told the AP that court cases involving her have no bearing on the credibility of her claims about Kavanaugh. Avenatti said the suit from her ex-employer β€” it was dismissed a month after it was filed β€” was "completely bogus, which is why it was dismissed almost immediately."
He told AP that he "fully vetted" Swetnick before helping her take her claims against Kavanaugh public.
Avenatti released a sworn statement by Swetnick in which she says she witnessed Kavanaugh "consistently engage in excessive drinking and inappropriate contact of a sexual nature with women in the early 1980s." In the statement, which was provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Swetnick said she had been sexually assaulted at a party attended by members of Kavanaugh's social circle, but did not accuse him of assaulting her. Two other women have publicly accused Kavanaugh of sexually abusing them.

2018-10-01 17:44:17 UTC  

One of those women, Christine Blasey Ford, appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday to offer emotional testimony that even Kavanaugh's most ardent backers, including Trump, said they found credible. Another woman, Deborah Ramirez, has accused Kavanaugh of exposing himself to her during a drunken party when both were students at Yale University. Friends and colleagues of Ramirez describe her as a quiet person who has dedicated herself to being an advocate for needy families and survivors of domestic violence.
Swetnick was the third named Kavanaugh accuser to emerge, when Avenatti released details of her accusations on Twitter on the eve of Ford's testimony.
Kavanaugh has denied the claims regarding him made by Swetnick and other women, characterizing some of the allegations as a "joke" and a "farce."

2018-10-01 17:45:00 UTC  

Some details of the legal disputes she's been involved in aren't known, because documents in the cases are incomplete or no longer available. Records in the lawsuit filed in late 2000 by her ex-employer, Oregon-based software company Webtrends, don't indicate why it was dismissed. Avenatti said there was a settlement in the case but no money changed hands.
In its civil complaint in a state court in Oregon, the company said Swetnick, a software engineer, was an employee for a few weeks before its human resources department received a report that she had engaged in "unwelcome sexual innuendo and inappropriate conduct" toward two male co-workers at a business lunch.
The lawsuit said that Swetnick in turn accused Webtrends of subjecting her to "physically and emotionally threatening and hostile conditions" and that she claimed that she'd been sexually harassed by four co-workers. The co-workers denied the allegations, the suit said.

2018-10-01 17:45:28 UTC  

Company officials later determined, the suit said, that Swetnick had provided false information on her employment application. The suit alleged that she had misrepresented the length of time she worked at a previous employer and falsely claimed that she'd earned an undergraduate degree in biology and chemistry from Johns Hopkins University.
Her lawyer, Avenatti, said that "whether she has a college degree or not does not matter as to whether she is a sexual assault victim."

2018-10-01 17:46:18 UTC  

Swetnick was on the other side of a civil case in 1994, as a plaintiff, when she filed a personal injury lawsuit in Maryland against the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. She claimed she lost more than $420,000 in earnings after she hurt her nose in a fall on a train in 1992.
Swetnick, who described herself in court records as a model and actor, claimed she had "numerous modeling commitments" with several companies at the time of the accident but missed out them because of her injuries.
To support her claim for lost wages, Swetnick named "Konam Studios" as one of the companies promising to employ her. A court filing identified Nam Ko, a representative of "Kunam Studios," as a possible plaintiff's witness for her case.

2018-10-01 17:46:56 UTC  

Ko, however, told AP on Friday that he was just a friend of Swetnick's and that he had never owned a company with a name spelled either way and had never agreed to pay her money for any work before she injured her nose. He said he first met Swetnick at a bar more than a year after her alleged accident.
"I didn't have any money back then. I (was) broke as can be," Ko said.
Ko said he has a hazy memory of Swetnick asking to use him as a "character reference" but doesn't recall hearing about her lawsuit.

2018-10-01 17:47:31 UTC  

I thought it was for a job application," he said.
In answer to questions about the suit, Avenatti said: "This is all hearsay. ... None of this is relevant, not one bit."
The paperwork filed in the suit includes a letter addressed to Swetnick's attorney from Richard Zamora, who is identified as a marketing executive from a San Jose, California-based company called Fiber Sign Inc. In the letter, dated March 1994, Zamora said the company had been prepared to hire Swetnick as a model and spokeswoman and pay her a $60,000 base salary but offered the job to someone else after learning of her accident.
Zamora later asked a court in Florida for a restraining order against Swetnick. The remaining court records don't show the reasons he gave for asking for the restraining order, but indicate that the case was dropped less than two weeks later when neither party appeared in court.
Zamora, who now goes by Richard Vinneccy, declined to comment to AP last week about the letter or the nature of the relationship he'd had with Swetnick.

2018-10-01 17:48:09 UTC  

Avenatti said the request for a restraining order was "nonsense."
Court records show Swetnick's lawsuit against the transit agency was dismissed in 1997 after a settlement was reached. Vincent Jankoski, one of the lawyers who defended the agency, said the case was resolved without paying Swetnick any money after she failed to provide documentation supporting her lost-wage claims.

2018-10-01 17:51:03 UTC  
2018-10-01 17:59:10 UTC

2018-10-01 18:01:07 UTC  

@stefanon if this is the same Western Journal web site look for the Contributor Author MATT BRACKEN he's written some timely nightmare fuel that predicted where we were headed all the way back to the beginning of our movement when we were the original Deplorables in the early 2000s he's been on Free Republic for decades

2018-10-01 18:02:12 UTC  

@everyone Hey, Patriots. What's going on, y'all? Today is a good day.

2018-10-01 18:04:33 UTC  

😳 Should 'veteran' definition include social justice warriors?

2018-10-01 18:05:23 UTC

2018-10-01 18:12:27 UTC  

Deplorables, Dregs, and material.

2018-10-01 18:20:47 UTC

2018-10-01 18:21:45 UTC  

Connect the dots here, John Wayne Gacey has direct connection to CIA & Mkultra programming. He held a White House Security Clearance during 6 years of the murders. He was connected to a huge local pedophile ring. Connect to thousands of politicians under a Dom Delta Program training men with young boys.

2018-10-01 18:24:08 UTC

2018-10-01 18:25:08 UTC  

Donald J. Trump
Verified account

6h6 hours ago
News conference on the USMCA this morning at 11:00 - Rose Garden of White House.

7,184 replies 9,283 retweets 41,774 likes
Reply 7.2K Retweet 9.3K Like 42K

Donald J. Trump
Verified account

7h7 hours ago
Congratulations to Mexico and Canada!

5,373 replies 13,506 retweets 68,266 likes
Reply 5.4K Retweet 14K Like 68K

Donald J. Trump
Verified account

8h8 hours ago
....deficiencies and mistakes in NAFTA, greatly opens markets to our Farmers and Manufacturers, reduces Trade Barriers to the U.S. and will bring all three Great Nations together in competition with the rest of the world. The USMCA is a historic transaction!

3,897 replies 12,725 retweets 51,972 likes
Reply 3.9K Retweet 13K Like 52K

Donald J. Trump
Verified account

8h8 hours ago
Late last night, our deadline, we reached a wonderful new Trade Deal with Canada, to be added into the deal already reached with Mexico. The new name will be The United States Mexico Canada Agreement, or USMCA. It is a great deal for all three countries, solves the many......

8,050 replies 21,434 retweets 88,972 likes
Reply 8.1K Retweet 21K Like 89K

Donald J. Trump
Verified account

23h23 hours ago
Wow! Just starting to hear the Democrats, who are only thinking Obstruct and Delay, are starting to put out the word that the β€œtime” and β€œscope” of FBI looking into Judge Kavanaugh and witnesses is not enough. Hello! For them, it will never be enough - stay tuned and watch!

2018-10-01 18:26:54 UTC "Give them an inch ......."
Why didn't this list come out months ago???

2018-10-01 18:27:28 UTC  

Hey Pawhuska! How are you doing today?

2018-10-01 18:27:54 UTC  
2018-10-01 18:30:57 UTC  

Freakin' hilarious. 🀣

2018-10-01 18:35:26 UTC  

Hello @Smiley Good to see you today.

2018-10-01 18:36:48 UTC  


2018-10-01 18:36:59 UTC