Message from @sly the huntres
Discord ID: 497419975934345236
@Jimbo at time, but a solid 5-4
I am wondering if the one that FBI reached out to of the 10 that did not respond or allow interview was Christine Blasey Ford???
Its funny they tried to restrct her from being interviewd b4 now they complain about ti
I'm still trying to find the blue wave. I don't see it anywhere.
Yea those two blue shirt guys are looking for it too, they must be thinking wheres the blue wave at we toled everyone to wear blue, hey mikey i told you to wear blue not red, here have a red pill youll be ok
Prayers to the families in South Carolina. They have lost a GOOD MAN
Senate Judiciary Committee receives FBI report on sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh
That Chinese micro chip issue could come back to haunt Apple I wonder if this could be a big Dent in their stock value
ICE officers demand Portland mayor relinquish control of police after Occupy ICE protests
Got a link for the filter
Get ready for riveting drama with tears and spontaneous sobnibg, possible suicide watch on CNN after Kav confirmation, hilarious memes incoming
BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH This is a very well put together piece on our history ,cabal, deep state and what this movement is all about! This is a very well put together piece on our history ,cabal, deep state and what this movement is all about!
☝ 👀 ☝