Message from @Agent99

Discord ID: 503218539319001101

2018-10-20 14:01:09 UTC  

There are no coincidences

2018-10-20 14:07:10 UTC

2018-10-20 14:07:34 UTC

2018-10-20 14:08:57 UTC

2018-10-20 14:10:22 UTC  

Everything between 6:52 PM yesterday and 9:00 AM today is missing... did it all get deleted or moved? There was a 'secret meeting' link I was interested in, but it's now gone (for me, anyway).

2018-10-20 14:12:26 UTC  

And a link I followed "Elizabeth Warren Owes the Cherokee..." is gone, too.

NEVERMIND - they reappeared after I refreshed.

2018-10-20 14:13:00 UTC

2018-10-20 14:18:33 UTC

2018-10-20 14:21:59 UTC  

@Agent 34 The antenna meme reminds me of

2018-10-20 14:24:08 UTC  

I don't even know where "that" is!

2018-10-20 14:31:34 UTC

Ok. Planned parenhood downnthe road from where those baby fetuses were found at that funeral home. Corey is going deep in that rabbit hole

2018-10-20 14:45:16 UTC  

@SighOperator maybe the Hondurans can find work in Antenna, or H377.
I'm doubting she really said what's on the meme, but it is funny.

2018-10-20 14:48:35 UTC

2018-10-20 14:50:49 UTC

2018-10-20 14:51:06 UTC  

Hotel Gitmo November 11th Ball. #Qanon

2018-10-20 14:51:54 UTC  

When the CIA, Wapoo, reports on the CIA. 😉

2018-10-20 14:55:22 UTC

2018-10-20 14:55:42 UTC  

Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 05:30:52 08aa21 No.3541672
Did you guys know this:
President Trump has finally fixed one of the most ridiculous U.S. policies
Basically, there has been this agreement from 144 years ago that when a package gets to the United States, our post office will deliver it from the port to the destination inside the country at no charge. This of course costs us a fortune.
The other countries are supposed to do the same thing ,but they abandoned it years ago.
So this leads to really strange situations where you can buy things, shipped, from China, for like a dollar. Or less.

2018-10-20 14:55:45 UTC  

So here’s an example. I have a job where I buy transistors for electronic items from time to time, if you’re looking to buy this particular transistor, you can buy them… on ebay… for .77 cents, for 10 of them, SHIPPED FROM CHINA.
So not only are they covering the cost of the product, and the cost of the ebay fees, they’re covering the cost of shipping from CHINA to your house in the U.S.A…. with .77 cents. Total.
Now this is a cheap part… but to get the same thing from a U.S. seller you’re looking at more like $4.
On small items like this… the markup is more than 5 times because the shipping in the US from state to state is most of the cost of the product.

2018-10-20 14:55:58 UTC  

Imagine what this little move he just did… imagine what effect that will have on
a. the Post office
b. U.S. retailers who now have a level playing field with Chinese retailers
c. U.S. manufacturers who now have a level playing field with Chinese manufacturers…
d. China’s economy…..

2018-10-20 14:59:41 UTC  
2018-10-20 15:05:05 UTC
Julian Assange sues Ecuador for 'violating his rights'

2018-10-20 15:12:43 UTC  

Elle Magazine, a women’s fashion and entertainment publication, used a deliberately salacious tweet about the status of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s marriage as clickbait. The problem, though, is that when the link was clicked, the reader was taken to a site encouraging voter registration, not an article in Elle about the Kardashian-West marriage.

The tweet stated that they were “splitting up” and knew that their readership, mostly twenty and thirty-year-old liberal women would click for some celebrity gossip. When enough people complained through social media, an apology was issued. Naturally, the magazine calls it “a joke”. How insulting to both the intelligence of its readers but also to the marriage being treated without respect.

2018-10-20 15:13:09 UTC  

So many people trying to turn Q into a living. A full time job.

2018-10-20 15:13:32 UTC  

Yes I agree

2018-10-20 15:15:45 UTC  

Here in TX we say cockadoodle Q

2018-10-20 15:17:11 UTC

2018-10-20 15:17:19 UTC  

8chan down again ...