Message from @Arkansasmaga

Discord ID: 504327055995830273

2018-10-23 15:48:35 UTC

2018-10-23 15:54:30 UTC  

Caravan is in the park at Huixtla Chiapas, will stay one more day to mourn the death of a person that fell off a moving vehicle. Federal government is in transition to new admin which takes power in December. Current government doesn't mind making things as complicated as possible for the new administration. Municipal governments picking up the tab. Imagine this many people setting up camp in your town park. You know there are MS13 among the camp. Do you run them out of town and get people killed, or do you bring them portapottys and wait until they move on? In Spanish:

2018-10-23 16:05:00 UTC

2018-10-23 16:05:42 UTC  

Do you need a warrant to search a home if you were asked to enter a home because a potential explosive device was delivered to your home and opened in that home?

2018-10-23 16:06:20 UTC  

I believe the military intelligence knows who is involved in the funding and organization of this invasion. Arrest coming soon.

2018-10-23 16:07:32 UTC  

We now know who our allies are and our enemies

2018-10-23 16:08:27 UTC  

@Arkansasmaga could the explosive device that wasn't a explosive device until after it was and everyone around it was removed be a Trojan horse? Remember the Trump fire. Evidence gathering?

2018-10-23 16:10:06 UTC  

Anonymous 10/23/18 (Tue) 08:27:39 c124b3 (1) No.3573114>>3573603

To Midterm Voters Everywhere:

In just one sample ballot, (e.g., I picked Buncombe County, North Carolina because it’s had a lot of news about corruption lately),

there are two Republican candidates (and one Democrat) for each of two Justice seats. It looks like this could be a ploy to split the Republican straight ticket vote. After briefly researching, one of the candidates, (1), had JUST switched from the Democrat Party, and the other, (2), doesn’t state anything about upholding the Constitution.


YES Barbara Jackson

NO Christopher (Chris) Anglin (he was a registered Democrat until just before submitting his candidacy


YES Jefferson G Griffin

NO Sandra Alice Ray

Griffin’s basis for decisions is on the Constitution

So look up your sample ballots in your states and see if there is any other silliness going on. Research to assure you’re not taken by surprise at the polls. Have any anons found similar situations on other ballots?

2018-10-23 16:10:09 UTC  

We have all the info we need on soros and others. We have it all. They cannot communicate any more

2018-10-23 16:11:42 UTC  

@Arkansasmaga Soros money = invasion caravan, no?

2018-10-23 16:14:07 UTC  

maybe we shall see all involved including democrats in US and other countries

2018-10-23 16:14:59 UTC  

@Arkansasmaga my gut tells me yes. I trust my gut. We will see. Soon

2018-10-23 16:15:01 UTC  

we will see if southern neighbors are friends or foes

2018-10-23 16:15:40 UTC  

all of this gives us all the players

2018-10-23 16:17:35 UTC  

Canada and mexico might be trying a squeeze play. Not wise.

2018-10-23 16:18:15 UTC  

Caravan is funded by foreign NGOs. Protected by cartels. The route they use is well established, towns on the route terrorized into complacency. There is so much disinformation about this. The current government is outgoing, new government takes power in December. Current party in power is covering their tracks and setting up problems for new govt. Controlled by narco state. New president has spoken on supporting a wall to stop illegal immigration and trafficking of weapons , drugs and migrants. The situation in Mexico is complicated. Anything the government does before December is the old corrupt narco government, which is tied at the hip to the global cabal.

2018-10-23 16:19:30 UTC

2018-10-23 16:22:27 UTC  

@Arkansasmaga they are always friends. Boxed into a corner, powerless friends but real friends. Deep state still under control in Canada and Mexico. USA is last defence. Trump is a Dragon slayer

2018-10-23 16:23:57 UTC  

This is all need to watch this parody!!! So true and so funny!!

2018-10-23 16:25:18 UTC  

ATTENTION MISSOURI VOTERS read this article!!!!

2018-10-23 16:36:59 UTC

American Thinker could the caravan being paid by the Chavista money? I saw another article about Venezuela saying they were preparing for war with the US. Could one be related to the other?

2018-10-23 16:52:32 UTC

This was the article I saw about Venezuela preparing for war. Warning, it is from the fake news site, Newsweek. I saw lots of these same stories back in 2017, so they might had recycled this article so we might question who is backing the invasion.

2018-10-23 16:52:39 UTC  

➡ ‘Don’t you insult me!’ Watch Gorka light Geraldo up for asking if we are ‘going to shoot’ caravan invaders ⬅ October 23, 2018

2018-10-23 16:56:12 UTC  

🔥 Photo surfaces of Georgia Dem gubernatorial candidate burning state flag in protest 🔥 October 23, 2018