Message from @Mee6

Discord ID: 505739364324605952

2018-10-27 13:32:17 UTC  

6 Jan 2018 - 1:08:49 PM
NO comms w/ anyone privately.
NO comms outside of this platform.

2018-10-27 13:32:24 UTC  

This means everyone

2018-10-27 13:33:11 UTC  

11 May 2018 - 1:12:38 PM
Expand your thinking.
Why are we being attacked?
Why are we being attacked by people who claim to be PRO-POTUS?
Do we have a face?
Do we have a name?
Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers?
Zero vanity.
Why are we here?
Why do we ask questions?
The choice has always been yours.
Use logic.
Free information.
What draws people here?
Expanding exponentially?
They all claim to be insiders.
They all claim to have insider contacts.
They do not.
Patriots do NOT reveal classified information.
Why do we communicate this way?
Think for yourself.
We are a threat to profiteering.
Information should flow freely w/o costs.
We established a series of 'proofs' for this specific reason.
Coincidence after Coincidence.
Growth due to confirmations.
Real source(s) communicating w/ the people.
Control the information (THEY).
Harness followers / profiteering (THEY).
Define Media.
Primary goal of the Media?
To Sell (each selling a dif narrative - set of targets).
Selling makes money.
Be careful who you follow.
Define 'Patriot'.
They want you DIVIDED.
Attacks will only get worse.

2018-10-27 13:33:50 UTC  

Daily reminder Patriots do NOT reveal classified information. Q

2018-10-27 13:34:47 UTC

2018-10-27 13:35:00 UTC

2018-10-27 13:39:55 UTC

2018-10-27 13:42:18 UTC  
2018-10-27 13:47:40 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Damadar, you just advanced to 2 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-10-27 13:49:41 UTC  

They supposedly knew the guy was living out of his van, but yet they carried it away with nothing but a tarp thrown over it, to take it along common byways? Were they not afraid there might be explosives inside? Of course not.
Gotta laugh.

2018-10-27 13:57:51 UTC  

@WineMaker Looks like treason to me.

2018-10-27 13:59:41 UTC  

Human trafficking.

2018-10-27 14:03:50 UTC  

Made a Q button for my child's hat to go vote today👍👍👍

2018-10-27 14:06:34 UTC  

More Sharia taking over Europeans.

2018-10-27 14:08:34 UTC  

“Our goal is not to remain in Mexico," one member said. "Our goal is to make it to the (U.S). We want passage, that’s all.” The caravan is still a thousand miles away from the nearest U.S. border crossing.

2018-10-27 14:12:12 UTC  

PLANTATION, Fla. (CBS12) — Authorities were trying to unravel what motivated the accused package bomber, Cesar Sayoc, Friday afternoon.

One South Florida man is playing a critical part in connecting the dots and he says the FBI contacted him for help.
On Friday, veteran Michael Hebert shared a video with CBS12 News and the FBI which shows Sayoc’s van -- a van, so out of the ordinary, Hebert decided to film it back in July.
“If you feel a certain way that strongly and you are putting it [provocative political messages] all over your vehicle, there is definitely some underlying issues there,” he said.
Hebert says he posted the video online and it caught the attention of one his friends at the state department, who later informed the FBI. He says the FBI contacted him Friday with a laundry list of questions about Sayoc, who worked out at the same gym as him.
“No political motivation, no political type clothing, just kept to himself worked out alone," Herbert said. "The only thing not normal about this guy was his vehicle outside in the parking lot."

2018-10-27 14:15:53 UTC  

We are learning more tonight about Cesar Sayoc, the Florida man who is accused of mailing suspicious packages to prominent Democrats nationwide. 10News Nightside starts now!

2018-10-27 14:16:32 UTC

2018-10-27 14:18:26 UTC  

Hello @Steven Lee The way you get ranks in here is to post.

2018-10-27 14:19:52 UTC  

Trump boasts best first-term economy in 3 decades

2018-10-27 14:20:07 UTC