Message from @retiredDep

Discord ID: 508768685532643368

2018-11-04 22:07:28 UTC

2018-11-04 22:08:17 UTC  
2018-11-04 22:11:36 UTC  

Hey guys, I found a good deal

2018-11-04 22:11:57 UTC  

Great prices for TorGuard VPN

2018-11-04 22:17:59 UTC

2018-11-04 22:20:55 UTC  

BREAKING NEWS: Augusta Commissioner Andrew Jefferson is dead.

2018-11-04 22:23:32 UTC  
2018-11-04 22:23:51 UTC  

We just got in this response from the Democratic Party of Georgia responding to the Secretary of State's investigation into the alleged hacking of the state's voter registration system. FULL STORY:

2018-11-04 22:24:00 UTC

2018-11-04 22:25:06 UTC  
2018-11-04 22:25:07 UTC  

ATLANTA - The Georgia Secretary of State’s Office says it is investigating a failed attempt to hack the state’s voter registration system by the Democratic Party of Georgia, the office said in a news release.

The state has not said what evidence they have that a hack occurred.

"While we cannot comment on the specifics of an ongoing investigation, I can confirm that the Democratic Party of Georgia is under investigation for possible cyber crimes," said Secretary of State office Press Secretary Candice Broce. "We can also confirm that no personal data was breached and our system remains secure."

Content Continues Below

2018-11-04 22:25:26 UTC

2018-11-04 22:25:28 UTC  

Secretary of State Brian Kemp is running for governor of Georgia against Democrat Stacey Abrams. The investigation comes just two days before the election.

Channel 2's Mike Petchenik sat down one-on-one with Stacey Abrams just hours after the announcement of the investigation.

She called the investigation a desperate political ploy.

2018-11-04 22:26:23 UTC  

He is trying to rile up his base by misleading voters yet again," Abrams said. "This is also someone who has a strong habit of having hackable systems. And the problem is, Democrats did nothing wrong. What is happening is that he, once again, is overseeing a vulnerable system and is blaming someone for his mistakes."

The secretary of state's office released more information about the alleged hack Sunday afternoon.

"We opened an investigation into the Democratic Party of Georgia after receiving information from our legal team about failed efforts to breach the online voter registration system and My Voter Page. We are working with our private sector vendors and investigators to review data logs. We have contacted our federal partners and formally requested the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate these possible cyber crimes. The Secretary of State's office will release more information as it becomes available."

The Democratic Party of Georgia released a statement Sunday morning saying:

"This is yet another example of abuse of power by an unethical Secretary of State. To be very clear, Brian Kemp's scurrilous claims are 100 percent false, and this so-called investigation was unknown to the Democratic Party of Georgia until a campaign operative in Kemp's official office released a statement this morning. This political stunt from Kemp just days before the election is yet another example of why he cannot be trusted and should not be overseeing an election in which he is also a candidate for governor. It is also a fact that Brian Kemp is the last person who can be trusted on cyber security given

2018-11-04 22:27:02 UTC  

on cyber security given his record of leaking the personal information and social security numbers of six million Georgians. 11th hour, cynical ploys come as no surprise from Brian Kemp, a man who raided the offices of organizations who register people to vote and had a woman arrested for helping her blind father cast his ballot. Brian Kemp is desperate to save his failing campaign, and it's likely we'll see even more of his abuses of power as the election nears, but Georgians will keep working hard, knocking on doors, making phone calls, and voting to make sure he doesn't get a promotion."

The Kemp campaign responded to the allegations Sunday afternoon.

"The Democratic Party of Georgia will stop at nothing to regain relevance and power in our state," said Communications Director Ryan Mahoney. "They lied about Georgia's 'pending' voter list, made up stories about missing absentee ballot requests, and spread misinformation about our state's voting machines. Every time, their ridiculous claims were undermined by the truth.

"In an act of desperation, the Democrats tried to expose vulnerabilities in Georgia's voter registration system. This was a 4th quarter Hail Mary pass that was intercepted in the end zone. Thanks to the systems and protocols established by Secretary of State Brian Kemp, no personal information was breached. These power-hungry radicals should be held accountable for their criminal behavior."

© 2018 Cox Media Group.

2018-11-04 22:27:16 UTC  

Hey guys! The WalkAway guy (Brandon) is interviewing Patriots for Right Side Broadcasting. Crazy

2018-11-04 22:27:41 UTC  

They are in Chattanooga

2018-11-04 22:28:17 UTC  

Democratic Party of GA accused of hacking voter registry; Abrams calls it desperate ploy

2018-11-04 22:28:49 UTC  

ATLANTA - The Georgia Secretary of State’s Office says it is investigating a failed attempt to hack the state’s voter registration system by the Democratic Party of Georgia, the office said in a news release.

The state has not said what evidence they have that a hack occurred.

"While we cannot comment on the specifics of an ongoing investigation, I can confirm that the Democratic Party of Georgia is under investigation for possible cyber crimes," said Secretary of State office Press Secretary Candice Broce. "We can also confirm that no personal data was breached and our system remains secure."

2018-11-04 22:29:28 UTC  

ATLANTA - The Georgia Secretary of State’s Office says it is investigating a failed attempt to hack the state’s voter registration system by the Democratic Party of Georgia, the office said in a news release.

The state has not said what evidence they have that a hack occurred.

"While we cannot comment on the specifics of an ongoing investigation, I can confirm that the Democratic Party of Georgia is under investigation for possible cyber crimes," said Secretary of State office Press Secretary Candice Broce. "We can also confirm that no personal data was breached and our system remains secure."

2018-11-04 22:30:24 UTC  

He is trying to rile up his base by misleading voters yet again," Abrams said. "This is also someone who has a strong habit of having hackable systems. And the problem is, Democrats did nothing wrong. What is happening is that he, once again, is overseeing a vulnerable system and is blaming someone for his mistakes."

The secretary of state's office released more information about the alleged hack Sunday afternoon.

"We opened an investigation into the Democratic Party of Georgia after receiving information from our legal team about failed efforts to breach the online voter registration system and My Voter Page. We are working with our private sector vendors and investigators to review data logs. We have contacted our federal partners and formally requested the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate these possible cyber crimes. The Secretary of State's office will release more information as it becomes available."

The Democratic Party of Georgia released a statement Sunday morning saying:

"This is yet another example of abuse of power by an unethical Secretary of State. To be very clear, Brian Kemp's scurrilous claims are 100 percent false, and this so-called investigation was unknown to the Democratic Party of Georgia until a campaign operative in Kemp's official office released a statement this morning. This political stunt from Kemp just days before the election is yet another example of why he cannot be trusted and should not be overseeing an election in which he is also a candidate for governor. It is also a fact that Brian Kemp is the last person who can be trusted on cyber security given his record of leaking the personal information and social security numbers of six million Georgians. 11th hour, cynical ploys come as no surprise from Brian Kemp, a man who raided the offices of organizations who register people to vote and had a woman arrested for helping her blind father cast his ballot. Brian Kemp is

2018-11-04 22:30:47 UTC  

to save his failing campaign, and it's likely we'll see even more of his abuses of power as the election nears, but Georgians will keep working hard, knocking on doors, making phone calls, and voting to make sure he doesn't get a promotion."

The Kemp campaign responded to the allegations Sunday afternoon.

"The Democratic Party of Georgia will stop at nothing to regain relevance and power in our state," said Communications Director Ryan Mahoney. "They lied about Georgia's 'pending' voter list, made up stories about missing absentee ballot requests, and spread misinformation about our state's voting machines. Every time, their ridiculous claims were undermined by the truth.

"In an act of desperation, the Democrats tried to expose vulnerabilities in Georgia's voter registration system. This was a 4th quarter Hail Mary pass that was intercepted in the end zone. Thanks to the systems and protocols established by Secretary of State Brian Kemp, no personal information was breached. These power-hungry radicals should be held accountable for their criminal behavior."

2018-11-04 22:34:29 UTC

2018-11-04 22:35:36 UTC

2018-11-04 22:35:49 UTC  

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.405 📁
Nov 4 2018 17:33:58 (EST)
If you witness members of ANTIFA or any other people or organizations stationed at 'key' voter locations making threats or attempting to use scare tactics [voter intimidation] please contact local authorities immediately and report the incident(s).
Internal comms suggest preparations are being made and organized to conduct a 29+ location push [battleground locations].
See Something
Say Something
Uniformed and Non-Uniformed personnel will be stationed across the country in an effort to safeguard the public.
If you witness anything out of the ordinary with regards to staff, officials, machinery & equipment failures and/or malfunctions, unusual 'grouping' [buses dropping off people w/ guide and/or instructor], voter prevention [blocking], or other suspicious activity please contact local authorities immediately and report the incident(s).
See Something
Say Something
[take a picture and/or video only when safe to do so]

2018-11-04 22:36:27 UTC  

Q 2416