Message from @Cynka
Discord ID: 509407977741090817
The Goldwater reports and trust it’s readers to decide. Smart. Share!!! NOW!!
☝ ☝ ☝
Room for improvement
Military votes should be counted first
Election Day forecast: Tennessee power outages and vicious weather, storms across Southeast and into Northeast
USA TODAY: Problems at the polls? Here's what's happening now.
Are the democrats that stupid
For the dem demographic.
Dems Tactics at play
Vote with loving memories of the Dallas 5. #Truth #CorruptionExposed #MakeDallasGreatAgain #DPD #BackTheBlue #GreggAbbott #DallasRepublicanAssoc
Get this...
At 310,296 words, the Alamama constitution is 12 times longer than the average state constitution, 44 times longer than the U.S. Constitution, and is the longest and most amended constitution still operative anywhere in the world. The English version of the Constitution of India, the longest national constitution in the world, is about 117,369 words long, one-third the length of Alabama's.
Government off the rails. More amendments on the ballot today. Concentrate power and money to the state and disenfranchise the counties of home rule.
Yig posted yesterday evening