Message from @pocketangel3

Discord ID: 509613527191781388

2018-11-07 04:09:17 UTC  

Buck Feto

2018-11-07 04:14:31 UTC  

We will get to fill a seat for Pelosi

2018-11-07 04:15:46 UTC  

Schumer and Maxine will be gone soon

2018-11-07 04:19:01 UTC  

ready for Feinstein indictment

2018-11-07 04:29:31 UTC

2018-11-07 05:14:02 UTC  

fisa fisa fisa win win win

2018-11-07 05:15:17 UTC  

Trump knows who is going down

2018-11-07 05:59:05 UTC  

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.424 📁
Nov 7 2018 00:55:31 (EST)📁
We got what we needed.
Thank you, Patriots!
Senate means everything.
Think Judges (SC) & Cabinet.
DECLAS overrides all potential House blockades.
POTUS has ultimate authority.
Shift to Senate Judiciary (oversight) from House to now occur (stronger position and held in reserve for this scenario).
Lower chamber (House) used as 2-year starter.
Upper chamber (Senate) will be used next 2-year closer.📁
Military planned.
No impact re: ongoing investigations
Team is stronger [PRO].

2018-11-07 06:00:15 UTC  

#No Bias was the key I used to fling the doors wide open. Now you know how I'm the Queen.

2018-11-07 06:00:31 UTC  

Who spiked the drink of half the population,
or was it before their eyes, that caused their minds manipulation?
CNN and ABC, MSM and some FOX you see,
clad in a diaper crying to mom, daddy's telling them what to do
and the people don't like their song.
The dance is getting old when no truth is from them told,
with the shows that you all watch
manipulating more the brain you've got.
There is no way to be free, but by turning off your TV,
look for truth hear online, we communicate
and have a good time.
The news that we bear, is the truth that we share, re-researched and then again, here we
make more new friends.
We look at all the sides
and we seem to find
the best slides, photos, and clips
because there are many here after it.
There’s more than your conglomerate monopolies combined,
and we are bread of the finest kind.
So come join in the chat on Patriot Soapbox it's where it's at,
Discord, Zoom, and Gab.
Twitter we're there too,
but what you going to do,
we have to follow POTUS!
We are on youtube,
come to join us. +All Q 2

2018-11-07 06:00:45 UTC  

Q said memes ready???

2018-11-07 06:07:10 UTC

2018-11-07 06:11:36 UTC

2018-11-07 06:15:35 UTC

2018-11-07 06:17:49 UTC

2018-11-07 06:22:13 UTC

2018-11-07 06:22:39 UTC  

The house doesn't look very good...

2018-11-07 06:23:10 UTC

2018-11-07 06:24:09 UTC  

I am surprised no one is talking about how fucked the house is

2018-11-07 06:24:55 UTC

2018-11-07 06:27:31 UTC

2018-11-07 06:27:55 UTC  

several people in the house are going down as traitors and human traffic

2018-11-07 06:39:39 UTC  

#LemonDawn <#464841979897970698>

2018-11-07 06:48:38 UTC

2018-11-07 06:51:35 UTC

2018-11-07 06:59:09 UTC

2018-11-07 07:04:08 UTC  

I cannot believe that people can still vote in some places in the USA without showing some form of identification!

2018-11-07 07:07:51 UTC