Message from @stefanon

Discord ID: 513581989958385674

2018-11-18 04:39:03 UTC  

Coreys Digs thread

"There was an alert put out on the 15th regarding large demonstrations planned for Nov. 18th in Port-au-Prince, and possibly other locations. I’ve scoured the internet, and I’m not seeing the reports I am receiving, which are far more concerning. imageJPG

Here are some reports I have found on twitter. They are verifying there are in fact U.S. troops on the ground in Haiti, securing Port-au-Prince. This is about far more than "demonstrations." I have not found any news sources reporting on this. No surprise. image oneJPG image twoJPG image threeJPG

I am being told that the Michel Martelly / Jovenel Moise regime, lap dogs of the Clintons PHTK drug traffickers, have assassinated 50 people in the past 48 hours in the La Saline neighborhood of Port-au-Prince.

2018-11-18 04:39:27 UTC  

Random killings are also taking place all over the country. I was sent videos that I absolutely will not post due to how graphic they are. Instead, I took a screenshot from one of them. There are wild pigs eating the bodies of those killed. This is horrific.

The people of Haiti have long been protesting the theft of $3.8 billion by corrupt former and current government officials of Haiti, along with Bill and Hillary Clinton.

This money was a low interest loan by the government of Venezuela, during the Chavez era, to help the poor, create jobs, and well needed infrastructure. It was stolen by the corrupt, and Jovenel Moise has done nothing about it.

I am told these corrupt officials are all being protected by the Clintons, as well as some members of the DNC, including Maxine Waters. I have also been told numerous times that Kenneth Merten, from the U.S. State Dept., is corrupt.

The opposition is planning to topple the Haiti government on November 18th. My source says this is why the U.S. forces have taken over the airport in Port-au-Prince. Some seem to feel it is to protect Americans, while others feel it is to protect American interests.

Meanwhile, Michel Martelly, longtime lapdog of the Clintons, who played a big part in the theft of $3.8 billion, has fled to his home in South Florida for refuge, while this attempted takeover of the government goes down on the 18th. Pray for Haiti. I will keep you posted." imageJPG

2018-11-18 04:40:22 UTC  

Scroll down to see this guy's bios in English. Appeared in video earlier this week posing as Honduran, clearly in a leadership role. Is actually dual US/Mex citizen, student at Harvard.

2018-11-18 04:40:29 UTC  

I think the new governor of California should be required to watch the arrest and punishment of Jerry Brown. Traitors will face punishment. Jerry the California fires were not caused by climate change but by sorry trash like you and your friends. Justice is coming soon. The innocent blood of the children is crying out to God.

2018-11-18 04:42:14 UTC  

We were told that tribunals are coming. I hope you Brown are right up front with the rest of the evil ones.

2018-11-18 04:50:35 UTC  

I hope a great revival of truth breaks out in California.

2018-11-18 04:51:44 UTC  

Love the children more than your selfish ambition.

2018-11-18 04:53:12 UTC  

Save the children from the wickedness being taught in California.

2018-11-18 04:53:12 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Arkansasmaga, you just advanced to 23 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-11-18 05:00:24 UTC  

The protest about "fuel prices" seems fake. The reason seems too mediocre.

2018-11-18 05:01:10 UTC  

Im leaning towards the real reason being too damaging to globalist agenda.

2018-11-18 05:09:34 UTC

2018-11-18 05:12:08 UTC

2018-11-18 05:13:39 UTC  

Clueless Rolling Stone article

2018-11-18 05:15:48 UTC  
2018-11-18 05:17:00 UTC  

I cried today... the crisis on the Mexican border is real. Mexican citizen's are suffering because of this invasion, and we will too. this could get really ugly.

2018-11-18 05:18:19 UTC

Read ENTIRE thread.


I was receiving reports on this over the weekend, while I was away, but there is more to this story, not being reported on. #Haiti

2018-11-18 05:20:18 UTC  

I am so glad my family is moving to my area so we can weather the storm together.

2018-11-18 05:20:18 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Deborah O, you just advanced to 2 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-11-18 05:20:41 UTC

2018-11-18 05:36:11 UTC  
2018-11-18 05:36:51 UTC  
2018-11-18 05:47:12 UTC  
2018-11-18 05:49:39 UTC  
2018-11-18 05:55:57 UTC  

May the King of Glory continue to 'STEP IN' with the 'Laughter of VICTORY', Breaking all DELAYS, wielding the DIVINE POWER OF JUSTICE, while accelerating DECREED RESTORATION over the Nation.

May the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Roar a Mighty ROAR of DIVINE JUSTICE across our Land! (Based on a recent prophecy by Australian Lana Vawser)