Message from @based

Discord ID: 759902772857405503

2020-09-27 21:38:03 UTC  

mfw trump pays more in taxes than almost everybody in here combined

2020-09-27 21:50:52 UTC  

mfw Trump is in so much debt he's worth less than me

2020-09-27 21:51:36 UTC  

But why would someone with so much money and power want to go into politics? lmao clown shit fr

2020-09-27 21:52:42 UTC  

He did it just to take obama's job cause he shit talked him at that whitehouse dinner

2020-09-27 21:52:56 UTC  

"take" a job Obama had to leave legally

2020-09-27 21:53:06 UTC  

You know what I mean lol

2020-09-27 21:53:11 UTC  

lol what a petty loser

2020-09-27 21:53:19 UTC  

ya I got you lol

2020-09-27 21:54:52 UTC  

hmm why on earth would he want to be so cozy with the wealthy oligarch? probably has nothing to do with his deep debt issues.

2020-09-27 21:55:31 UTC  

imagine being this upset

2020-09-27 21:55:55 UTC  

imagine painting a picture in your head of the world and it's not even close to reality

2020-09-27 21:56:07 UTC  

Im just gloating stop crying

2020-09-27 21:56:58 UTC  

gloating about what

2020-09-27 21:57:07 UTC  

tax returns don't paint a picture of wealth lol

2020-09-27 21:57:19 UTC  

>Being legit mad about shitposting

2020-09-27 21:57:21 UTC  

Ok boomer

2020-09-27 22:01:34 UTC  

Trump made his own money. That scum in DC have been leaching off of taxes all their careers

2020-09-27 22:02:02 UTC  

I don't give a damn what democrats ever say. They lie about everything.

2020-09-27 22:22:19 UTC  


2020-09-27 22:25:45 UTC  

So staring into space ?

2020-09-27 22:26:56 UTC  

leaked debate prep footage would be hilarious. From either candidate.

2020-09-27 22:27:39 UTC  


2020-09-27 22:27:44 UTC  


2020-09-27 22:27:49 UTC  

Oh, so it IS bullshit?

2020-09-27 22:27:58 UTC  

something tells me the taxes "investigation" is like MUH BOUNTIES

2020-09-27 22:28:03 UTC  

I spent weeks chasing that shit around

2020-09-27 22:28:14 UTC  

Best I could find was self-references of "muh sources"

2020-09-27 22:28:23 UTC  

You'd think they wouldn't wait until now to hurt Trump over his taxes...

2020-09-27 22:28:25 UTC  

This admin leaks like a fucking sieve if that was real it'd have gone on the 'net in about 3 seconds

2020-09-27 22:28:47 UTC  

What fucking smoothbrained degenerates still believe this shit?

2020-09-27 22:29:16 UTC  

> What fucking smoothbrained degenerates still believe this shit?
@Der König des Meeres r/politics

2020-09-27 22:29:27 UTC  


2020-09-27 22:29:42 UTC  

projection is there thing

2020-09-27 22:29:52 UTC  

The same ones that think a demented probable-pedo and a corrupt racist AG are preferable to a poorly-tanned asshole and a generic sci-fi movie POTUS in the VP seat

2020-09-27 22:30:06 UTC  

sounds about right

2020-09-27 22:35:00 UTC

2020-09-27 22:43:47 UTC

2020-09-27 22:47:08 UTC  

Kek. journos protecting sources is fAkE nEwS but anonymous internet larpers are the real deal.