Message from @ManX
Discord ID: 759216496349544510
Yeah officers are sometimes older
class 234
Also they sleep a couple hours on Wednesday
Which is really just more punishment
they dont even sleep. just have their eyes closed with anxiety the whole time
Cause the you wake up and get thrown right in the surf
Navy seals are a different breed
same as British SAS
A lot fall asleep during evolutions
CIA operatives are even a crazier breed
Go through training where they are trained to withstand torture
They do that in SERE school
Which is pretty widely taken school
Sere school looks nuts
intelligence operatives are more intelligent than military
they have more valuable information
and will get tortured in extreme levels
I’m the most valuable asset in the world
Torture me daddy
Lol all those emotes
That new LG phone looks cool
I want pinephone
chill @CloseDanger
ion think it's field tested yet
wait a few months
I know. I have to redo all internets and phone but it takes forever
i too want a alternative to rotten apple and google wiretap
Angroid no good?
well regular android no
big fucking no
maybe with lineage OS since they worked their way around the DSM exploits found in the snapdragon processor vulnerabilites called achilles
i mean, a phone which was once android with lineage OS could be decent
but to be fair you shouldnt put any "classified" information in a phone, ever