Message from @Jamo
Discord ID: 592320521191030785
@everyone my latest article on Spygate:
@RadixVerum Is it okay if I read this on air when I come on?
I hope yall find it useful
thank you
aww @SeesInPixels is so adorable.
BTW can anyone tell @learnshare & @Percival apart when they're on air, twins separated at birth???
Love those guys #RiseNShiners ❤🙏
Yo, Radix/Pam DM me plz
If any patriot owned small businesses who need internet exposure are open to expanding, please DM me. with succinct details/cliffnotes of your business model. I may be able to help!
I do not sell globalist bullshit
America First.
Writers, graphic designers /artists, researchers, @everyone....EVERYONE!
Make sure you contact @SouthernComfort, or ME, if you are interested in joining the writing and research NEWSROOM DISCORD! We meet every day (whoever is around) analyzing news as it comes in, organizing everything, etc.
Contact us, come take the plunge!!!
@everyone if you have PC Doctor on your computer, get rid of it!
also for **All** windows users, disable the remote desktop service.
ETA: after 24 hrs youtube corrected this and renabled enmbeding, they only did so because of the huge outpouring if complaints they were getting about it.
Our event and speaker list is available for you at
TLDR: do not click links or download programs from discord people you dont know and trust.
the malware program in question may be named "Blueface Reward Claimer.exe" or "Synapse X.exe"
@here Pamphlet Anon and 412 Anon are taking calls Live On Air. You are welcome to call in using Pre-Screening Voice.
@everyone please subscribe to my new Bitchute channel for Digging Deeper. As you all know, YT is not unreliable as a platform so we want to start building our presence on these other platforms
I have 2 subscribers now! I will be uploading some content, just some 10 mins vids exclusively on Bitchute occasionally
I subcribed!
@everyone here is my first BitChute exclusive
@Angelina I'm going to move you to live on air
@everyone Journalists for the New York Times and other outlets have presently and in past been trying to contact members of this server for comment on articles they are writing.
Ignore them, block them, and report their usernames to me or another PSB admin so we can ban them from our server.
These Main Stream Media journalists will lie to you, they will tell you their articles will be positive and friendly, kind and fair, but as we have seen time and time again this is not the truth, "these journalists **do not have your good in mind**" "they will lie" -trump.
If **you** are one of these mainstream news journalists you are not welcome here, leave now, consider this an order from the staff of PSB. If you ignore it (As we expect you will) you then only reveal your intent to deceive, your lack of respect.
PSB is for the people, the people are welcome here.
MSM journalists are not.
Learned this a long time ago...even in a pretty benign piece-they often manage to misquote you...