Message from @PanO-Rific

Discord ID: 634185276230729738

2019-10-17 00:07:37 UTC  

hopefully tomorrow will be a brand new episode

2019-10-17 00:08:04 UTC  

The 17th!!!!!!

2019-10-17 00:08:15 UTC  


2019-10-17 00:11:00 UTC  

17 17 17 17

2019-10-17 00:11:41 UTC  

@Groot yes easy to do in Cali. I used to live there. I live in NW for now but will transplant somewhere E. Not sure where but Geo-thermal works any where to keep greenhouses temp stable. In sunny So. locations may need cooling more that warmth. Yes, also apply to housing as well. Major saving on heating and cooling anywhere.

2019-10-17 00:15:04 UTC  

Some geothermal opportunities in Wyoming.

2019-10-17 00:15:34 UTC  

Powers Old Faithful

2019-10-17 00:15:43 UTC  

Tomorrow 17 is "Drop Dead" day for the Fed. Reserve to go Bankrupt. Our currency will move away from debt slavery, tax slavery and Fed Rsv. illegal off shore private corp Fraud.

2019-10-17 00:16:16 UTC  

How’s that?

2019-10-17 00:16:56 UTC  

I agree it needs to happen. But why tomorrow?

2019-10-17 00:18:28 UTC  

Interesting. Biden said Trump needs to be taken out by the 17th? What? Why that date. Dallas is where Trump will be. JFK again? What is going on?

2019-10-17 00:18:59 UTC  

Also are others having problems with youtube not giving the data of the person who posted the video?

2019-10-17 00:19:11 UTC  

@kreskin1 You are talking about something quite different. That's tapping in to volcanic sources. I am speaking of a simple source of stable Temps at 8 ft underground Anywhere. No Geo activity necessary.

2019-10-17 00:19:19 UTC  

Cool news today in the Senate. 4 district judges got appoved but the VERY 1st (1) NY distict judge got confirmed of (8) pending....Whoo Hoo👌 💯

2019-10-17 00:19:42 UTC  

Oh, I see @PanO-Rific

2019-10-17 00:21:26 UTC  

Hey @Steve Angell welcome to chat.

2019-10-17 00:22:01 UTC  

Yes just heard about it from a video I was watching on youtube.

2019-10-17 00:24:18 UTC  

The panic is easy to sense in the swamp. @Steve Angell

2019-10-17 00:24:31 UTC  

@kreskin1 $$ (gold) borrowed by the western bankers from the "Ancient Chinese". Purpose was to subverting USA banking at point of Civil War bankrupt 1865-71 and create the Fed. -- Now, Tomorrow 17 Oct. The Drop Dead Due date on the Feds Loan Note to the "original Ancient Chinese"= not the Chi Commies. People get this confused.

2019-10-17 00:25:36 UTC  

Wow, I wasn’t aware.

2019-10-17 00:25:52 UTC  

How do we navigate to show preps here?

2019-10-17 00:27:19 UTC  

There’s another discord for Radix’s Digging Deeper. Let’s see if the bot helps us.

2019-10-17 00:27:19 UTC  

here is the link for the discord server used for Radix's Digging Deeper show.

2019-10-17 00:27:33 UTC  

Ta da!

2019-10-17 00:27:41 UTC  

Bot call

2019-10-17 00:28:43 UTC  

Yea @kreskin1 Most ppl don't know about this. I have been tracking monetary history for nearly 10 years for this Moment !! Exciting !!

2019-10-17 00:29:15 UTC  

@Dyno Nope that did not take me to show prep.

2019-10-17 00:29:59 UTC  

It’ll probably be a rough ride. Hope it doesn’t puke on us. 🤮

2019-10-17 00:30:19 UTC  

This confuses me. China today is not what it was prior to WW2 when it was taken over.

2019-10-17 00:31:53 UTC  

Begs the question, who owns the old contracts?

2019-10-17 00:32:23 UTC  

Taiwan or China?

2019-10-17 00:32:24 UTC  

The Fed @kreskin1

2019-10-17 00:33:11 UTC  

The Fed which is a private bank was created after the Titanic sinking killed the bankers opposing its creation. Huge FF.

2019-10-17 00:33:33 UTC  

Fed 1913

2019-10-17 00:33:37 UTC  
2019-10-17 00:33:56 UTC  

Hey @trooper411 how goes the battle?

2019-10-17 00:33:58 UTC  

Hey @trooper411 welcome back.

2019-10-17 00:34:30 UTC  

hello frens. battle rages @Groot no retreat

2019-10-17 00:35:20 UTC  

Great to hear @trooper411

2019-10-17 00:36:00 UTC  

Maybe I misunderstood. Who is supposed to get paid by the fed? Old China is gone, right? Or do they pay the chi coms?

2019-10-17 00:36:25 UTC