Message from @JustChatter

Discord ID: 621829181977788423

2019-09-12 21:24:37 UTC  

Deplorably Adorable Super Elite ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@1SweetTexan) Tweeted:

Non Political Tweet

Today has been emotional and stressful for all of us. Let's take a short break and laugh the stress away...

I need to know what food she gives him...

2019-09-12 22:09:07 UTC  
2019-09-12 22:26:03 UTC  

Lisa Mei Crowley Tweet
17 min
"Why would Jeb even comment on a QAnon rally? It appears he deleted the tweet, but still...."

2019-09-12 22:30:12 UTC  

Via Matt Drudge:
**Exclusive: How John Roberts killed the census citizenship question**
By Joan Biskupic, CNN legal analyst & Supreme Court biographer
Updated 1:33 PM ET, Thu September 12, 2019

**Washington (CNN)Chief Justice John Roberts cast the deciding vote against President Donald Trump's attempt** to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census, but only after changing his position behind the scenes, sources familiar with the private Supreme Court deliberations tell CNN.

The case was fraught with political consequences. Democrats and civil rights advocates claimed the query would discourage responses to the decennial questionnaire from new immigrants and minorities and affect the balance of power nationwide.
Of course he did. What a two-faced shill. #TheEnemiesWithin

2019-09-12 22:30:38 UTC

2019-09-12 22:31:16 UTC  

Not a passenger plane, has to be a drone. No windows, solid gray color

2019-09-12 23:17:02 UTC  

Yang complains about debate scheduling against NFL. Shows that socialists don't care about overpaid sports people. Under socialism all get paid just enough to live. Well, except for the leaders, as in Bern.