Message from @ʙɪɴᴀʀʏ ᴀɢᴇɴᴛ🐉🦋

Discord ID: 526840163192799242

2018-12-24 18:49:14 UTC  

@QCritter • A vast discussion is often going on in the Voice Channels associated with the written chat room they are attached to. By far, the voice chat brings a vast huge amount of information to the discussion. I do not know if you have partaken in that facet of this Discord, but you are missing at least 2/3rds of the discussion if you are not listening to the Voice Channels.
• Yes, this server can get silly, yes there is laughter. It is much the same as any Emergency Room, or fire station that I have worked in. The issues we are discussing/discovering/exposing are IMMENSLY dark. Satanic. We feel all of it. We are mutually horrified by it. We are all individually helpless to eradicate it from the earth. We feel responsibility to DO something about it because we know of it – yet we are painfully aware that we can’t. Only collectively can we make a difference. This is a BURDEN, one that we lighten through laughter and enjoyment of one another. This is a family of another sort, which brings me to my next point.
• When you first came to my attention, you did so by stating something along the line of (Paraphrasing here) – ‘you people aren’t doing anything but posting old news, old meme’s, and crap that “I” knew months ago.’ Negativity in a new poster is a quality we have come to associate with trolls, because that is one of their qualities. (Strike two)
You insulted the people who populate this discord, people who have literally cried and laughed together, who have dedicated their personal time, effort, deep thought, and personal emotional commitment to the Q Movement. The regular posters here are 100% invested, and you insulted them all. Told them they were in essence irrelevant/old news, with little respect for the thousands of man-hours that have been invested here both in research, observation, creation of Meme’s and a vast vast quantity other information, etc.

2018-12-24 18:49:55 UTC  

@QCritter • You likely do not realize that many of us here also do raw research and documentation /information that goes straight into the shows on Patriot’s Soapbox on YouTube. We do what others in the media are paid thousands to do, for free. For the opportunity to spread truth worldwide. The discord rooms here at PSB are often a resting place for us.
If you want to be a contributing member at PSB you can do so by contributing. Repeatedly engaging in behavior that looks to be a commentary on how much we suck, or how little we do is not going to encourage anyone to listen to you. Engaging us in a lecture series on how little we are doing, only displays the fact that you do not know what we ARE doing. It only shows what you do not know.

2018-12-24 18:50:12 UTC  

@QCritter The secret to success here is simple. Post the sauce. Post the hot Meme’s. Post them without expectation of recognition or a pat on the back. Post what you know/find/discover and people will respect you. You are showing the people here that you respect them. The second most important secret, get into voice chat. You don’t have to talk. You do need to listen. Be judicious in your timing, come in when a Q decode is going on, or some breaking news is being discussed. We rip through that stuff with blinding speed. The people here are exceptionally intelligent, logical thinkers. The best arguments (meaning ideas) win the discussion, if one can use the term “winning”. Truth is self-evident, and logical thinking demands we each recognize the distinctions between “correct” and “incorrect’, and we do that primarily in Voice Chat. You are missing 2/3’rds of the discussion, if not more than that.
Lastly, if you honestly want to be a part of this group, you should consider apologizing to the folks here.
You have gotten people’s backs up with your attitude and lack of appreciation for what has been accomplished and what is also underway that you have no knowledge of.
In your defense, you are passionate, want to make a difference, and you are impatient to make it all happen NAOW. I totally get that. People here will testify that I have had my moments of anger and frustration. Guilty. I have been forgiven (if I have been) because we all have felt that same pressured – yet helpless – frustration of being unable to make it all better RIGHT NAOW… coupled with the fact that my friends here know that the frustration/anger/horror isn’t who I am. I have allowed them to see me and get to know me before I ever shared that with them. You haven’t done that…. Yet. So all that is known about you is your negative opinion of us… that isn’t a winning strategy. Not here.

2018-12-24 18:50:28 UTC  

@QCritter I will finish with this: this isn’t a personal attack on you or anyone else. This is, if anything, observation. I am offering you observations and they are not meant to hurt or cause ire. They are meant to inform you, and offer you the opportunity to learn from them, your own behavior/choices, and our reactions to the same. Incorporate the lessons you have the opportunity to learn here and let them add to you as a human soul.
I can only offer my own truth, my own perspective, and my own observations. I have never taken the time to do this for a new member of this discord, I am not a moderator, and I have no “permissions” or any sort of authority here. Ask anyone. I have raised my “rank” over months and months of posting here. I have earned my reputation (such as it is) by what I have offered and through genuine open dialogue. Give yourself the same opportunity. God bless you, Patriot.

2018-12-24 18:50:44 UTC  

My apologies to the Board for the length of this!!!

2018-12-24 18:51:34 UTC  

@DarkSlayer Merry Christmas

2018-12-24 18:58:28 UTC  

@QCritter One final note, the people here want to love you. (Just as we love one another - yeah no homo or dating-site crap) That cannot happen if all you show us is how little you respect us and what we are capable of.

2018-12-24 18:59:41 UTC  

Ok, that was 1200+ words, if anyone doubts that I can write in large volumes well, yeah, stuff it... LOL

2018-12-24 19:00:36 UTC  

@Lyonnaise de Dieu You are truly a loving generous person. God Bless You.🙏

2018-12-24 19:03:12 UTC  

@DarkSlayer Thank you. I felt compelled to write that. I don't know why, so I just did it. Been a while since I did a stream of consciousness essay like that.

2018-12-24 19:04:39 UTC  


2018-12-24 19:05:16 UTC  

Me too, BBL. I have Chritmas presents to wrap, and I need to make a new plan for tomorrow's dinner!

2018-12-24 19:05:26 UTC  

Love ya'all!

2018-12-24 19:10:15 UTC  

💥 👉 White House gives Schumer border funding counter-offer 👈 💥 1 Hour Ago, Dec 24, 2018

2018-12-24 19:10:44 UTC  

Good stuff if true

2018-12-24 19:11:19 UTC  


2018-12-24 19:12:49 UTC  

Bomb and burn the poppy fields and cocaine fields. Take away profit from clowns and bush mob.

2018-12-24 19:13:42 UTC  

Arrest all human traffic mobs including our government traitors.

2018-12-24 19:15:20 UTC  

@Lyonnaise de Dieu 😃 yes I identify

2018-12-24 19:15:39 UTC  

stream of conscious, authenticity

2018-12-24 19:15:45 UTC  

All family members involved in the profit of drug and people trade should be arrested and face justice.

2018-12-24 19:15:54 UTC

2018-12-24 19:16:36 UTC

2018-12-24 19:17:39 UTC  

@tattered flag Merry Christmas I love your pictures.🎄 ☃ 🤶 ❤

2018-12-24 19:17:41 UTC

2018-12-24 19:19:25 UTC  

Please arrest the government clowns and families that are drug pushers.

2018-12-24 19:19:47 UTC  

@Arkansasmaga Merry Christmas.🎄

2018-12-24 19:20:03 UTC

2018-12-24 19:20:17 UTC  

@tattered flag Back at you patriot.

2018-12-24 19:20:34 UTC

2018-12-24 19:20:44 UTC  

@PapaPatroit Just for us

2018-12-24 19:21:00 UTC  

@Jayde Merry Christmas Little lady. I wish you loads of laughter and love to you and your husband.🤶 🎄 ❤ ☃

2018-12-24 19:22:15 UTC  

My Discord is going haywire this afternoon. BRB

2018-12-24 19:23:42 UTC  

No selling of arms to our enemies. Our friends must prove their friendship before they receive arms.

2018-12-24 19:24:38 UTC  

👉 China Cuts Tariffs on More Than 700 Goods Amid Open-Trade Drive 👈 December 24, 2018, 1:27 AM EST

2018-12-24 19:24:49 UTC  

No aid to any country that does not support the way forward.