Message from @Sara
Discord ID: 530399025439178763
😔 Crazy Days and Nights? I'd Say...
Check out @TheRealHublife’s Tweet: Poverty🤡Pimps trying to slip in that dang ABORTION safeguard.
Well, HOUSE-->ONLY safeguarding of We The People is #ProLife. And Nancy & Chuck wants a steady food(bodyparts) supply. We The People need to blast the House today: Nancy Pelosi 202-225-4965. Chuck Schumer 202-224-6542
Check out @JackPosobiec’s Tweet:
👁 # GANGSOFCONGRESS: Give Us Your Poor, Your Black, Your MONEY! #HR40LIE #DONCUOMO
@Vigilator However, total information freedom also requires total access. One’s freedom is another’s shackles.
You have gained a rank @Mike445, you just advanced to 6 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!