Message from @Ark of Info [GER]
Discord ID: 533634184321695754
To much detail
Just make them look at something a different way
And retreat
I sometimes get the feeling the guys a I work with want to start believing but they won’t take it Home with them
Wife will be mad
Almost embarrassed
That’s sad but true
Living a lie
That’s the way DS been mind warping the people. Touch the ego
I don't care if they don't like me anymore
Me too
I come out loud and clear
July 26, 2016 Simpsons book Bartman: The Superhero's Handbook
Lucifer is loosing
Oh yeah, done and dusted
Soon I hope
But maybe never
We know he is alive thoug
Someone said Q is Melania
i would love that ^^
God bless Melania
She speaks 7 languages
Wow super secret agent
I think she is sent from another dimension
Yes she is an angel
Well at least the WikiSimpsons site has her listed as still alive ^^
Gods angels
Are guiding her
And Potus
At the very least
Do we need a counter suit? To sue for obstruction of measures to secure our border from invaders?