Message from @Coindup -> Stephan <-
Discord ID: 533632222893309972
@Coindup -> Stephan <- I'm on holiday as Well!
Oh boy so they were strangers?
What if Paris burning is 💣FF? China's up to bat⚾️ play ball!
Pretty much..I know one of them tho
They are forcing her to work from her sickbed and cracking the whip to get her back in court. It seems cruel to push her so hard to keep power!
I was trying to explain to two guys at work about DS and how they been slowly de-sensitizing us
@Coindup -> Stephan <- crazy to think that these well meaning people actually endorse a KKK member
When you bring up talking points be careful not to leap to far into conclusions. Let them come to a conclusion and say something like “you know, I never thought of it like that”. Give them a boost instead attacking their believes
Red pilling ain’t easy
Love it when a red pill moment happens
Yes you can only say one thing to make them think..then retreat
We know too much
Details are for when they come back
It takes a day or so for it to process
Bet they won't endorse Hillary again
And then they come back with a story they found and they show to somebody they know and so on
Something I realized is not to use direct facts
Just make them look at something a different way
And retreat
I sometimes get the feeling the guys a I work with want to start believing but they won’t take it Home with them
Wife will be mad
Almost embarrassed
That’s sad but true
Living a lie
That’s the way DS been mind warping the people. Touch the ego
I don't care if they don't like me anymore
Me too
I come out loud and clear
July 26, 2016 Simpsons book Bartman: The Superhero's Handbook
Lucifer is loosing
Oh yeah, done and dusted
Soon I hope
JFK Jr. was my first thougt