Discord ID: 537642405604753438

2019-01-23 14:19:35 UTC  
2019-01-23 14:20:20 UTC

2019-01-23 14:20:24 UTC  

Anyone have any updated information on HR 25 Calling for the dissolving of the I.R.S. and end to an illegal 16th amendment ( Feb 25th 1913) which has been proven by Case Law...The U.S. Supreme Court in January 1916 ruled in Brushaber v. Union Pacific stated "... it would cause one provision of the Constitution to destroy another... income tax or wages are a direct tax apportioned only by the states..." ..." The 16th Amendment as correctly interpreted, is limited to INDIRECT taxes and for that reason is constitutional..." ; also IN 1916 in U.S. Supreme Court Stanton v. Baltic Mining "[the 16th Amendment] ...conferred NO NEW POWER OF TAXATION."Conner v. United States "If there is no gain, there is no income...Congress has taxed income , NOT compensation." In 1894 Congress tried to get away with imposing a Direct tax on the property of U.S. Citizens by passing the Income Tax Act of 1894; however, on May 20th of 1895 the U.S. Supreme Court rejected this tax bc it violated the Constitutional apportionment of the states. Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Company. Section 1111.1 of the Internal Revenue Manual : "The purpose of the IRS is to...encourage and achieve the highest possible degree of VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE in accordance with the tax laws and regulations...".

2019-01-23 14:21:20 UTC  
2019-01-23 14:21:28 UTC

2019-01-23 14:22:18 UTC

2019-01-23 14:22:59 UTC

2019-01-23 14:25:07 UTC  
2019-01-23 14:33:07 UTC

2019-01-23 14:36:03 UTC

2019-01-23 14:41:16 UTC  

Covington Catholic Bishop STILL Will Not Apologize For Maligning Innocent Boys

2019-01-23 14:42:06 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Cynka, you just advanced to 32 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2019-01-23 14:43:31 UTC  

👆 To answer the obvious question as to WHY we all keep paying taxes or having them taken from our paychecks...Most people don't have the legal knowledge to sift through and fully understand the legal terms; most can't afford an attorney to it for them; even if we understood or could afford an attorney most don't have the time to spend litigating with the 100+ tax attorney's that the IRS employs. The fear of being arrested, bullied, or otherwise comes into play as well. Hopefully, Trump and a non-corrupt congress can fix this situation.

2019-01-23 14:45:20 UTC  

People bitch about wearing a MAGA hat to school.... Where were they when this happened? PISSED OFF!

2019-01-23 14:45:35 UTC

2019-01-23 14:50:39 UTC  

Gas Tax provides money for our main roads, local property tax provides funding for schools. Liquor and tobacco taxes provide revenue to federal government as does ammunition and fire arms industry and could fund our military. Most of our actual "income tax" dollars go to pay the crown who we owe from borrowing money from after the civil war. Lincoln wanted to print our own money and work our way out of the financial pit the Civil war put us in but we see what happened to him. Johnson walked back all that Lincoln was hoping to do...Kennedy was the last president to try and get away from the Central banking system too...we all know what happened to him as well. Please pray POTUS can fix this all and #EndTheFed along with the IRS and the unconstitutional taxation of our hard earned income.

2019-01-23 14:52:00 UTC  

just sayin'

2019-01-23 14:56:49 UTC

2019-01-23 14:57:41 UTC