Message from @Mighty phine

Discord ID: 539124486968967199

2019-01-27 16:16:25 UTC

2019-01-27 16:19:34 UTC

2019-01-27 16:19:43 UTC

2019-01-27 16:33:40 UTC  

everyone having fun today

2019-01-27 16:37:17 UTC  

No DACA deport illegals

2019-01-27 16:37:17 UTC  
2019-01-27 16:40:19 UTC  

So have you guys done a deep dive on this Kline and Walker, LLC group?

2019-01-27 16:41:23 UTC  

Dems and Republicans have voted no illegals given citizenship and no daca citizenship. Potus illegals are an invasion. Kick them all out. They stole elections. Mexico sends them to steal elections.

2019-01-27 16:42:09 UTC  

Build the wall. Lock her up.

2019-01-27 16:45:26 UTC  
2019-01-27 16:46:13 UTC  

Cut off all funds, jobs, and housing to illegals and deport

2019-01-27 16:47:57 UTC  

One million dollar fine for each illegal hired.

2019-01-27 16:58:46 UTC  


2019-01-27 17:02:39 UTC  

Potus will show how Republicans and Democrats voted against laws to help all illegals for years. EO will solve the issue.

2019-01-27 17:03:37 UTC  

If you are illegal you are part of the invasion.

2019-01-27 17:06:18 UTC  

Decades of kicking the can down the road stops.

2019-01-27 17:14:12 UTC

2019-01-27 17:20:11 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Ace5151, you just advanced to 4 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2019-01-27 17:24:02 UTC  

Here's an interesting take on Trump's move

~John Warren
"Did anyone actually LISTEN to Trump's statement from the Rose Garden?!! He agreed to sign a CR for just 3 more weeks, to give the House the time to pass the bill they passed in December. If they fail ...again... these next 3 weeks, then the CR will expire..again. He will declare a state of emergency, and CLOSE the borders. There will be no flights into and out of Cancun and Cozumel.. no ships for Mexico will be allowed at any port of the US,from Washington state to Maine. Food..produce, beef, cheese, etc,.....will be sitting in trucks on the border, rotting. Auto parts made in Mexico, will not be shipped here. Those plants will lay off workers. Union auto plants in the US..the darlings of the Democrats, will be laying off union workers. Mexicans along the border that have LEGAL visas to come work here every day,will not be allowed in. Mexico's economy will be crippled in a matter of weeks. Mexico's president will call Trump to find out what they can do to re-open the border. I am sure, he will say: " The price will be $5.7 billion. The sooner you cough it up, the sooner we can get the wall built, THEN we will re-open the border." Really won't matter then, about the budget bill containing funding for the wall. However, I suspect before Mexico calls, the Democrat reps in districts with union auto plants, will vote for the budget. 6 Dems voted with us last week to pass the bill that passed the House in December. This week, 13 did. We only need 8 more Dems to vote for the bill, and I suspect those votes will come from representatives of the auto plant districts. Trump has check-mated Paloosey. She is finished, and doesn't have the sense to understand it. Old-school, establishment Democrats in the House, will launch an effort to replace the speaker, and will need GOP house members to support their new choice. And how do they get that? By WORKING with the House GOP members."

2019-01-27 17:30:20 UTC  

I do not want any bill that helps illegals to pass. Their country should pay us for all funds we used to help these invaders and pay to send them home.

2019-01-27 17:50:19 UTC  

Look up "Carlist"

2019-01-27 17:50:28 UTC  

in Spain

2019-01-27 17:51:17 UTC  

We had one the other night