Message from @LordVader
Discord ID: 539563586809233409
The Big Question is which Court of Law & which Case will bring the Evidence in to the Public Area? Is it he resent shooter arrested last week or one of the other court cases currently in litigation at this time?
Thank you @Lady Cole
About to taxi onto the runway heading back to Oregon. Thank you for all you do P8triots! I am here an honored to be with you all.
You guys watching Wray's briefing?
Safe travels, @4chun8 P8triot
Thank you
@tattered flag can the Ruth meme be smaller? The top gets cut off when I tried to screen shot it.
@Nurse Nett Let me see what I can do
@4chun8 P8triot. Godspeed! Safe journey!
Not me.. Too many moving pieces... And trying to find out which is the squirrel and which is the truth amongst living our daily line of life
Really good read. Only 1/3 of the way through it.
does anyone have a Pacer account?
<title>4:18-cr-00550-1 USA v. Clinton</title>
For anyone who believes Mueller is a White Hat, watch Mark Levin's interview with Sidney Powell who has the history on Mueller and his "team"
You have gained a rank @excelmaven, you just advanced to 3 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
@Initials I don’t think this will work out because some folks don’t want there info out there. But a great idea.
Check out @realDonaldTrump’s Tweet:
@Nurse Nett the list of petition signers is not public only the White House sees who signs
Check out @CHHR01’s Tweet: