Message from @The Wildest
Discord ID: 744400450740289679
@Woob why do you support trump?
Political Stance:Conservative
And I found this server through DISBOARD
@The Wildest Are you the leader sir?
?whois @Barry
@Barry how come new account?
long story short I got my account hacked because of a little arguement about not paying someone back online is that super important or?
so i made a new account and I started over
anyways that's long gone
@Barry why do you support the President?
I support the president because of what he has done for the country such as lowering taxes, developing more jobs and dealing with crime rate.
Does that do it?
You don't
<@666799597611646997> who da fuck are you lol no name no picture.
Im busy like what
Google it
Banned **Discord_User#3516**
You tho
?whois <@743500802215116872>
So why new account
@Woob hi
I'm 18, center right/ conservative. Obviously voted for trump. Found this server through disboard.
?whois @38th-outcast
@38th-outcast you in any other political servers?
Lgbt conservatives, and right wing refuge
@38th-outcast so you know Farrow
How long have you been in right wing refuges @38th-outcast
Just applied today waiting to be verified there
And LGBT conservatives?
Just got verified there
@38th-outcast i don't trust people from rwr
See the issue
What's the issue there??