Message from @38th-outcast
Discord ID: 744425009333927976
Does that do it?
You don't
<@666799597611646997> who da fuck are you lol no name no picture.
Im busy like what
Google it
!!ban 666799597611646997
Banned **Discord_User#3516**
You tho
?whois <@743500802215116872>
So why new account
@Woob hi
I'm 18, center right/ conservative. Obviously voted for trump. Found this server through disboard.
?whois @38th-outcast
@38th-outcast you in any other political servers?
@38th-outcast so you know Farrow
How long have you been in right wing refuges @38th-outcast
Just applied today waiting to be verified there
And LGBT conservatives?
Just got verified there
@38th-outcast i don't trust people from rwr
See the issue
What's the issue there??
Known to nuke other conservative servers for greed it's under ToS review.
Oh, kk
Just left there to be safe, we good?
Im not in the mod behave
!!ban @KΛMI░H♢NΞY
Banned **KΛMI░H♢NΞY#7393**
But ud miss me
Why not
That's fine