Message from @The Wildest
Discord ID: 744432771828678667
@38th-outcast i don't trust people from rwr
See the issue
What's the issue there??
Known to nuke other conservative servers for greed it's under ToS review.
Oh, kk
Just left there to be safe, we good?
Im not in the mod behave
!!ban @KΛMI░H♢NΞY
Banned **KΛMI░H♢NΞY#7393**
But ud miss me
Why not
That's fine
!!ban <@485894902798876682>
Banned **hisokasleftnutsack#5233**
?whois <@670847281402085377>
Banned **veins♡#7264**
?whois <@723308153885687848>
?whois @SneakyDilbert
?whois @Warlord
1) Let's just say I can legally drink at leave it at that
2) conservative
3) I love Donald
4) disboard
@Deleted User sure you do
Why the skepticism
?whois @Deleted User
@Deleted User do you like playing poker?
Occasionally with friends, used to play a lot of hold em in school
I'm an old fucking man now though so I don't see my old friends much, I"m over 30
Sure you are with new account
Well I never joined disboard before because it's so fucking gay