Message from @MissChris
Discord ID: 744659262709563442
@The Wildest because he is the best after lincon
For what specific reasons the
trade deals
trade wars
prision reforms
?whois <@324005557415575554>
<@324005557415575554> behave please no trolling or extrem topics
!!ban 324005557415575554
Banned **Comrade Gamma#9999**
?whois @MissChris
Hi so do I need to the questions?
I’m 15
I’m pretty neutral but my family is republican
And I just looked up donald trump discord servers to see what would come up and this was the first thing
@MissChris fair no trolling no extremist topics and keep it pj 16 fair?
I’m a very chill person I don’t like annoying people
Added **✨ Neutral** to **MissChris#8909**.
?whois <@708526884106928168>
hi here
1. Age 30
2. Libertarian, but love Trump
3. discord search
34, republican, trumpist, discord search
Trump 2020
?whois @MaG27 Ⓥ
How's it going
Good and you?
Great.. Just joined.. looking for a group of like minded people
Are you guys friend's?
no.. we both just posted our questions at the same time
Aha i see
just saying what's up to fellow Trump supporter! I love my Country
!!role @MaG27 Ⓥ trumpist