Message from @SteefFPS
Discord ID: 745796273558519818
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **ian#7309**.
1. 15
2. pretty neutral
3. neutral cuz i’m 15 and can’t vote yet
4. dis board
?whois @the red planet
Role "natural" not found.
!!role @the red planet neutral
Added **✨ Neutral** to **rory#1312**.
1. Your age: 20
2. Your political stance: Libertarian right.
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral: Neutral
4. Where did you find this server: Disboard
@Femtendo 64 why new account
Let me think i don't trust new accounts
@Femtendo 64 are you in any political servers other then this 1
And what server/person reported you.
@The Wildest YEah I'm in Abortion Debate, Debate Server, Intellectualist, Politicophobia, etc
A pedo reported me? I don't have the username.
?whois @SteefFPS
@SteefFPS <#731466042479476746>
I found the server on
@SteefFPS why exactly you support the President?
I’ve read into articles and based on what I’ve seen about Trump what he’s done good outweighs the stuff he’s done bad
I also believe in a lot of the ideologies republicans support
The second amendment and the mind set that if you work hard it will pay off
What do you support
!!role @SteefFPS trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **SteefFPS#1311**.
Good time of the day to you!
Is there anything that Trump has done lately that you like particularly? @Friendly
that a joke, literally opening with that
!!ban @Friendly
Banned **hello12#8610**
1. Your age. (this server is 13+): 21
2. Your political stance. : My own
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral. : Neutral
4. Where did you find this server. Google
Is that right?
what were u seeking in google to find this place?
And why?
Mostly trying to find a youtube channels discord as I saw he posted memes received by discordians so I was attempting to find him and thought he may have the slim possibility of being in something like this