Message from @SteefFPS
Discord ID: 745796861884891176
Added **✨ Neutral** to **rory#1312**.
1. Your age: 20
2. Your political stance: Libertarian right.
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral: Neutral
4. Where did you find this server: Disboard
@Femtendo 64 why new account
Let me think i don't trust new accounts
@Femtendo 64 are you in any political servers other then this 1
And what server/person reported you.
@The Wildest YEah I'm in Abortion Debate, Debate Server, Intellectualist, Politicophobia, etc
A pedo reported me? I don't have the username.
?whois @SteefFPS
@SteefFPS <#731466042479476746>
Supports the right
I found the server on
@SteefFPS why exactly you support the President?
I’ve read into articles and based on what I’ve seen about Trump what he’s done good outweighs the stuff he’s done bad
I also believe in a lot of the ideologies republicans support
What do you support
!!role @SteefFPS trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **SteefFPS#1311**.
Good time of the day to you!
Is there anything that Trump has done lately that you like particularly? @Friendly
that a joke, literally opening with that
!!ban @Friendly
Banned **hello12#8610**
1. Your age. (this server is 13+): 21
2. Your political stance. : My own
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral. : Neutral
4. Where did you find this server. Google
Is that right?
what were u seeking in google to find this place?
And why?
Mostly trying to find a youtube channels discord as I saw he posted memes received by discordians so I was attempting to find him and thought he may have the slim possibility of being in something like this
And also to discuss and debate in real time with peeps of reasonable mind
we're not meme community, no cringe memes here, we're for discussions, also this server is supporting Trump in general, regardless of being left or right.
Fair enough, is it open at all to criticism of Trump?
It wasn't so much about the memes more of a way to contact him for a future video
yes, yet its closed for trolling from both sides