Message from @kayleigh

Discord ID: 754895674738475070

2020-09-13 19:20:38 UTC  

trumpist, democrat or neutral

2020-09-13 19:20:53 UTC  

-whois 657564443403747341

2020-09-13 19:20:54 UTC  

2020-09-13 19:21:15 UTC  

well Im not a democrat

2020-09-13 19:21:26 UTC  

And im centre right

2020-09-13 19:21:53 UTC  

so probably somewhere between trumpist and neutral

2020-09-13 19:22:08 UTC  

I'm going to place you as neutral then

2020-09-13 19:22:37 UTC  

i mean i would vote trump if i was american

2020-09-13 19:22:50 UTC  

so trumpist

2020-09-13 19:22:52 UTC  


2020-09-13 19:22:53 UTC  


2020-09-13 19:22:55 UTC  

all clear

2020-09-13 19:23:09 UTC  

-verify @Winston trumpist

2020-09-13 19:23:24 UTC  

did the bot seriously go down

2020-09-14 02:43:47 UTC  

1. How old are you?
i am 16
2. Do you identify closest with; Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral?
3. Where did you get the invite to this server? (name the person or website)
i searches for it online, i think reddit is the website
4. Describe your political ideology in 3-4 sentences.
i am a conservative who respects everyone. i believe what i believe but i respect everyone’s opinion because i wanted to be respected as well. i can’t vote but i love president trump!

2020-09-14 02:44:43 UTC  

-whois @kayleigh

2020-09-14 02:44:44 UTC  

2020-09-14 02:45:15 UTC  

!!ban <@585895014727680004>

2020-09-14 02:45:16 UTC  

Banned **puhuhuhuhu#1104**

2020-09-14 02:45:32 UTC  

@kayleigh new to discord or new account?

2020-09-14 02:45:54 UTC  

pretty new, i’ve been in an astros discord since i made it but other than that pretty new

2020-09-14 02:46:42 UTC  

@kayleigh 3 weeks old new? or do you have another account?

2020-09-14 02:47:00 UTC  

this is my first and only account

2020-09-14 02:47:07 UTC  


2020-09-14 02:47:18 UTC  

!!role @kayleigh trumpist

2020-09-14 02:47:18 UTC  

Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **kayleigh#2158**.

2020-09-14 03:30:04 UTC  

1. 17.
2. Neutral.
3. Disboard.
4. I like to consider myself anywhere from a moderate to a radical centrist. I generally dislike any ideology deemed too far left or right. As for the 2020 election, I like to consider Trump the lesser evil, in comparison to Biden.

2020-09-14 03:33:03 UTC  
2020-09-14 03:33:04 UTC  

2020-09-14 03:33:41 UTC  

!!role @MasterJeremy neutral

2020-09-14 03:33:42 UTC  

Added **✨ Neutral** to **MasterJeremy#7300**.

2020-09-14 05:23:58 UTC  
2020-09-14 05:23:59 UTC  

Banned **Sargon of ACAB#3355**

2020-09-14 05:29:43 UTC  
2020-09-14 05:29:44 UTC  

<@​550891871275057153> is not a valid member or member ID.

2020-09-14 05:30:01 UTC  

!!ban 550891871275057153

2020-09-14 05:30:05 UTC  

Banned **Sir Flemeington#0118**

2020-09-14 07:21:08 UTC  

1. How old are you? (This server is 13+) 17
2. Do you identify closest with; Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral? Trumpist
3. Where did you get the invite to this server? (name the person or website) Disboard (looking for right wing partners)
4. Describe your political ideology in 3-4 sentences. Lib Right. Believe in small government and stay in your own pond politics. I'm also pro-americanist, the idea of re-establishing american nationality due to these protests.

2020-09-14 07:22:23 UTC  

Sup guys

2020-09-14 07:22:45 UTC  


2020-09-14 07:23:19 UTC