Message from @wheredowegofromhereQ

Discord ID: 546291609797525514

2019-02-16 07:34:53 UTC  

Trumps Video on Twitter has been removed by twitter!!!! He should sue thier pants off!!!

2019-02-16 07:56:08 UTC  

@Lyonnaise de Dieu yes everyone wants first responders trained.

but it is worth noting when these trainings happen, it has happened enough times that shootings occured right after or even during training events for exactly the same scenarios so it has become a reasonable suspicion.

even 9/11 2001 was a training scenario that went live. multiple agencies in new york were actively drilling for a scenario in which hijackers crashed planes into the exact twin towers. the 'coincedence' was so eery that flight controlers were recorded commenting "is this part of the drill?"

and so ever since we have kept an eye out for training events for the possibility of it becoming something more again.

remember the pitsburg shooting last year? training round happen in that same location for that same scenario just days prior,

just two of many examples out there, many have been notabled in the QResearch board. search engine can help to locate them.

not on a soapbox here, this is just how the deep state has opperated before. only trying to inform. 👍

2019-02-16 08:04:13 UTC  

@Deleted User Hold on there. All I'm saying is that those trainings are going on all over the country and have e been so for years. More agencies participate because federal laws REQUIRE it. The Lousianna training isn't the only one of it's kind, or even the biggest. It's one of many, is what I am trying to say. You could just as easily point to any one of many such exercises are drilled for. Disasters are always local. Local people need to be more prepared and trained. These are the worker bees. We are the good guys. Most likely you have one or two in your neighborhood. As neighbors.

2019-02-16 08:08:47 UTC  

none of that contradicts anything i said.

lol, i dont disagree with you, i think maybe you just havnt realized your not disagreeing with me either

2019-02-16 08:08:48 UTC  


2019-02-16 08:09:33 UTC  

i wasnt discounting you, i was just trying to make sure jesse didnt feel discounted either

2019-02-16 08:09:34 UTC  

thats all

2019-02-16 08:10:24 UTC  

meaning, training good = true.
reason to suspect FF in or around trainings = true also.

2019-02-16 08:10:56 UTC  

the sad reality the deep state has thrust upon us

2019-02-16 08:12:22 UTC  

and as far as tracking all big training drills i think thatd be a great idea, if there was like a feed or source for that i could make a channel just for it.

2019-02-16 08:44:50 UTC  

I am a US Veteran so I know all about training. What I am saying is the correlation between "training" and "surprise never before considered" acts of terror/mass shootings/whatever they just so happened to have just had training about happens is high AF

2019-02-16 08:46:40 UTC  

As an Airborne Infantry soldier we trained our asses off 24/7, espeically after our first deployment. Even overseas, every one of our movements/missions were pre empted by dry runs and relative training

2019-02-16 08:47:31 UTC  

But from 9/11 to the London bombing to nearly every school shooting, the prevalence of training to reality transition is...beyond coincidence

2019-02-16 08:49:28 UTC  

which also introduces interesting does doing this kind of training out in the open (especially in schools) while helping train LEO's and first responders hurt students and staff? Cause confusion when the real thing goes down? Traumatize and desensitize our children?

2019-02-16 08:50:58 UTC  

Do we have fire drills buy setting a school on fire?

2019-02-16 10:49:42 UTC  
2019-02-16 11:29:58 UTC This guy needs to be tracked and followed lol. He is a damn fear monger!

2019-02-16 11:54:30 UTC

2019-02-16 12:18:46 UTC  

Is RBG in Star Trek Prop❓

2019-02-16 12:20:43 UTC

2019-02-16 12:20:57 UTC

2019-02-16 12:21:35 UTC

2019-02-16 12:21:50 UTC

2019-02-16 12:22:56 UTC  

Evil. 13 days after the Benghazi

Why does Ihan Omar does have security clearance?

What is she still doing here in the USA, much less in our US congress.

Why isn't she prosecuted for possible terrorism, immigration fraud, perjury, welfare fraud, tax fraud, student loan fraud, etc.

Ihan Omar tweeted "Allahu Akbar" 13 days after Benghazi.

Muhammad's War Cry. "Allahu Akbar"

Jihad: The Hamas Covenant or Hamas Charter, formally known in English as the Covenant of the … It emphasizes the importance of jihad, stating in article 13, Article 13 There is no negotiated settlement possible. Jihad is the only answer.

On November 13, 2015 three teams of Islamic State jihadists launched coordinated assaults on Paris leaving 129 dead and hundreds injured.

Jihadist who used an encrypted Telegram chat group to call on supporters on October 13 to target the four-year-old heir to the throne app to call for an attack on Prince George.

2019-02-16 12:22:56 UTC  
2019-02-16 12:25:04 UTC  
2019-02-16 12:26:06 UTC  

GiletsJaunes week 14

2019-02-16 12:26:13 UTC

2019-02-16 12:32:19 UTC

2019-02-16 12:33:40 UTC

2019-02-16 12:35:03 UTC  

Beto the Pussycat

2019-02-16 12:35:57 UTC