Message from @Real Morgan “Morgz” Hudson 🇬🇧

Discord ID: 739015644489711719

2020-07-30 21:44:54 UTC  

It's been said for more than the past millenium

2020-07-30 21:45:05 UTC  

So the imagine the odds.

2020-07-30 21:45:50 UTC  

What's important is that we do not want to be caught lacking

2020-07-30 21:46:22 UTC  

Like a parent checking up, keeping tabs on a kid

2020-07-30 21:47:13 UTC  

You don't know when your dad or mom will come in your room, but you would want to make sure you're doing something good when they do.

2020-07-30 21:48:00 UTC  


2020-07-30 21:48:23 UTC  

If it is end times atleast show some resistance to the anti christ to make our lord happy with us

2020-07-30 21:48:44 UTC  

God has called people many times to fight for example gideon

2020-07-30 21:50:29 UTC  

Martyrs have a special place in Heaven

i’m upset and disgusted

my friends are defending porn

and masturbation

i need proof that it’s bad cause they won’t listen to me

2020-08-01 06:46:12 UTC  

I still struggle with it sometimes but atleast I know its wrong and have been trying my best to stay away

good job

the government can still read ur search history in incognito

2020-08-01 06:48:06 UTC  

Lust hits you strong when your young


2020-08-01 06:52:38 UTC  

just date a cute girl if lust is that much of a concern

2020-08-01 07:03:35 UTC  

I get that premaritial sex is cringe or whatever, but I dont really care as long as its somebody you're committed to in a long term relationship. thats infinitely preferable than jacking it to some jewish mind-pollutant


2020-08-01 07:07:16 UTC  

> I get that premaritial sex is cringe or whatever, but I dont really care as long as its somebody you're committed to in a long term relationship. thats infinitely preferable than jacking it to some jewish mind-pollutant
@Elegit Eh realistically the girl would get pregnant and the guy would break up with her

2020-08-01 07:07:27 UTC  


2020-08-01 07:07:33 UTC  

about what

that happens a lot

2020-08-01 07:07:34 UTC  

thats only if you're dumb

2020-08-01 07:07:41 UTC  

yeah but still it could happen

2020-08-01 07:07:43 UTC  

A decent guy would commit

lots of people are dumb

2020-08-01 07:07:49 UTC  

also thats a fair point

2020-08-01 07:07:54 UTC  

> lots of people are dumb
@Real Morgan “Morgz” Hudson 🇬🇧 nah he wouldnt

2020-08-01 07:08:11 UTC  

you should only be having sex with girls you'd be willing to commit too, is the thing


2020-08-01 07:08:22 UTC  

most **modern** teens/college students arent capable of raising a family

2020-08-01 07:08:27 UTC  


2020-08-01 07:08:32 UTC  

I think thats mostly just how it is *right now*

2020-08-01 07:08:50 UTC  

you wont know if you could be a good father/mother until it just kinda happens

2020-08-01 07:08:55 UTC  

obviosuly some prepare more than others

2020-08-01 07:08:58 UTC  

and speciifcally pursue a family

2020-08-01 07:09:10 UTC  

But nobody knows for sure how they'll cope with a family until they have one

2020-08-01 07:10:35 UTC  

obviously the people who Really want a family in their youth and talk about it are likely far more reliable than the cringe teens who are like "UGH FAMILY? no THANKS"