Message from @texmexexpress72

Discord ID: 741456784014835804

2020-08-08 00:11:39 UTC  

Physiognomy is an interesting pattern

2020-08-08 00:15:35 UTC  

Texan on Patrick's stream, I see.

2020-08-08 00:18:24 UTC  


2020-08-08 00:19:15 UTC  

I need to become familiar with the other personalities. I tried watching Jaden but he's too much of a Twitch streamer for me.

2020-08-08 00:19:20 UTC  

My uncle showed me part of a video that said trump went to isreal and showed that he had dirt on them and got the isrealis to capitulate and serve him

2020-08-08 00:19:22 UTC  


2020-08-08 00:19:49 UTC  


2020-08-08 00:35:04 UTC  

I found a cringe furry server thats worth raiding

2020-08-08 00:42:05 UTC  

Eh. I’ll do that later

2020-08-08 00:42:26 UTC  

We need to find a good time to raid

2020-08-08 00:42:30 UTC  


2020-08-08 00:42:40 UTC  


2020-08-08 00:42:56 UTC  

Im already banned from that server a while ago but its worth you guys raiding

2020-08-08 00:43:04 UTC  


2020-08-08 00:43:22 UTC  

maybe alt

2020-08-08 00:43:31 UTC  

Since I got a VPN

2020-08-08 00:43:33 UTC  

Im really nervous about this upcoming election

2020-08-08 00:43:43 UTC  

Me to

2020-08-08 00:44:05 UTC  

87 days

2020-08-08 00:44:22 UTC  

Trump needs to win if we want our country to stay alive for the next 4 years

2020-08-08 00:44:32 UTC  


2020-08-08 00:44:48 UTC  

But at the same time if he wins we are going to see really bad riots

2020-08-08 00:44:50 UTC  

We need to also think beyond Trump

2020-08-08 00:45:01 UTC  

After the 4 years

2020-08-08 00:45:09 UTC  

I think trumps gonna win this election fairly easily

2020-08-08 00:45:16 UTC  

I don’t trust the polls

2020-08-08 00:45:18 UTC  

Dont get to hopefull

2020-08-08 00:45:26 UTC  

Mail in voting may happen this year

2020-08-08 00:45:30 UTC  

Not easily. But maybe barely

2020-08-08 00:45:47 UTC  

Im nervous about these new battleground states

2020-08-08 00:46:13 UTC  

Like Arizona, North Carolina and maybe Iowa

2020-08-08 00:47:51 UTC  

Texas is going to be blue soon

2020-08-08 00:47:58 UTC  

Maybe not this election but after

2020-08-08 00:48:17 UTC  

When texas goes blue then it will be immposible for a republican to win.

2020-08-08 00:49:15 UTC  


2020-08-08 00:49:52 UTC  

Ted Cruz is dumb. He still doesn’t recognize what’s causing it. He says it’s Californians but we all know that’s a load of shit

2020-08-08 00:50:00 UTC  

It’s mexicans

2020-08-08 00:50:17 UTC  


2020-08-08 00:50:32 UTC  

Mostly mexicans

2020-08-08 00:52:17 UTC  

Imagine were we would be if hillary won the last election

2020-08-08 00:52:30 UTC  

Including the coronavirus and riots