Message from @Majes
Discord ID: 555959488608468992
You know, it's been a week since I was Q'ed.
interesting timing knowing what we do about MK ultra..
@Anastasia Romanoff I simply visited Real Donald Trump twitter account
Citizen Four is free on Roku channel. Must watch.
Pelosi was minority leader when they read in Congress selects about spying after 9/11
@Cow Patty thank you XOXOXO
I had a cool meme idea if anyone wants to run with it
For those who don't follow March Madness Brackets
Kill Bracket Bingo
put the faces of everyone on a bingo card
@SighOperator oh yeah
@Cow Patty where do I go to visit Real Donald Trump Twitter account? I'm so computer illiterate
Check out @Sun_Q_Tzu’s Tweet:
074 Q
14 Mar 2019 - 5:49:01 PM
Very SAD to see GERMANY pulling the strings on the UK!
Democracy must and should always prevail.
@Ennayy please read the <#431169106893340673> and acknowledge at <#430235886261633024> thank you
@Kaptain Kman please read the <#431169106893340673> and acknowledge at <#430235886261633024> thank you
Go there, new folks
@Sovex please read the <#431169106893340673> and acknowledge at <#430235886261633024> thank you
will do
Come on back, Jayde. We miss ya.
@auts please read the <#431169106893340673> and acknowledge at <#430235886261633024> thank you
@auts go to <#431169106893340673> and <#430235886261633024> and agree to the rules
my bad
thank you majes
which was replying to 3077