Message from @RISING
Discord ID: 556306388519747594
AFK 🎣 for 🇶 brb!
Check out @RyanAFournier’s Tweet:
Be back in a while. Gonna grab a shower.
Line up along Constitution Avenue to observe DC’s annual National Independence Day Parade. Expect to see fife and drum corps, military servicemen and women, elaborate floats and VIPs galore. The parade begins at 11:45 a.m. and is held between 7th and 17th streets.
they orders Pizza too
quincy jones
It's not just the blood that leaves a body when it expires, just saying.....
lol was drawing a bald guy when you guys were talking about Night Court man ^
napping in the chair
snoring away
@ʙɪɴᴀʀʏ ᴀɢᴇɴᴛ🐉🦋 are you working on music for welcome to the Reckroom
@Irredenta LOL Reckroom?
Ahhh BroMance 😄
yeah it's what I think @woodsracer544
My husband has Bromance..also lolol
it's all good
yes.. all good
it's what I've been saying
Iam cool wife casue i game
THAT is what matters
@Irredenta THIS IS GOOD yes, gaming wife = good wife
You have gained a rank @Ankel, you just advanced to 8 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!