Message from @MasterK
Discord ID: 557768931826466827
so she has the right to give her opinions - and I am overjoyed to getting away from Shep (I call him Balloon Boy - remember that?).
Check out @StormIsUponUs’s Tweet:
to ^be^ getting
Check out @StormIsUponUs’s Tweet:
You have gained a rank @Missy, you just advanced to 6 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
I wish Joe was right but it is only their way (FN's way?) to keep their enemies close
For the newbies
is that Podesta?
BINARY? id you change the listing for PSB Voice? It reverted back
@MasterK looks like it
I don't change anything @MasterK
hmmm the label for PSB Voice went away
I know
that is what I was asking
it is just a bunch of 'disks'
you are - get to work!!!
of course!!
now it is GONE
they were Pres Reagan's favorite
I liked the ones that taste like orange crush soda
well now it is GONE
He gave out jars - they had his name on them
what if you are stranded on a little island with only a coconut tree??
nothing changed- I only have Voice2
sorry loud family here
yes I see icons for Voice2
it wasn't checked
I want a jar of reagan beans
sorry I bothere everyone
oh no!!! exit discord???? scary!!!!