Message from @TormentDubz
Discord ID: 749052518973046845
l like videogames
I make shitty video games as a hobby.
Anyone like RC cars
Going to make a YouTube channel for Wii games
AV splitter coming Friday
just converted my label server into a community server
Hello guys!! My hobbies are playing online video games and reading based books. Thank you !!!!
@TormentDubz mine was a political server now it's just for fun
@Synthetic Aesthetic mine is for my music label
we're too racist and not serious for coherent politics
and I don't wanna swear in front of the girl I like π
and pretty girls with cute smiles that dislike brown people
do you make your own art
Just finished practicing guitar for 2 hours
Baseball is based because it has base in the name
My hobbie is politics
I sleep
My hobbies are music production, video production, learning languages and fitness
My hobbies <:ragChad:689862442695524359>
Your hobbies <:virgin:690282301745397790>
Jippi and Tobias is running
My hobbies are fitness music and Pokemon cards!!!!!!!!
nice man!!