Message from @TheGeminaii
Discord ID: 753639031434379296
The Jewish community originally tried to kill Christ in the Parthian Empire
The ramifications of such a film. Imagine how many people's minds or hearts have changed after seeing such a film
I thought passion was an accurate film but also took some artistic liberties
It's a net positive
The outlandish depiction of the devil in Gethsemane, flashbacks of Christ's upbringing
@ejg Jesus christ is in Touhou Project
I'm going to invest in Black people
I like Ten Commandments
That is a very good film
Need to see it still
Only seen clips
The media is our enemy
You can rent it on YouTube
Look up cuties reviews
fucking disgusting
Wish I payed attention to 50s ben hur when it was played in elementary school
I think it's 7 dollars for a rental
Doesn't it have like a 80% on Rotten tomatoes?
I want 50 cats
at least she keeps the mask on
Ben hur is unironically kino
At least she's white and maintains a decent figure
@thrill_house what does she look like without the mask
Ten Commandments movie night soon
You can fuck the liberal out of her
Why would I
Shut up
The media is OUR ENEMY
Aryan kids @Snickers