Message from @PUKKO_Desto
Discord ID: 753655141521162322
@ejg hey bud
Quoting Morrowind
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shut up monke
No bethesda game is good
Except for prey
If it's so great, where is Morrowind 2
Prey is good
morrowind 2 is in skyrim
its called solstheim
anything great has an end
Slaves had it so good.
All the watermelon and pig feet and chitlings they can eat.
Free housing.
fuck off
Not you
But you can if you wish
Gay Skyrim
Why isnt hannibal in the cuckshed
Skyrim was fun
why would i be in the cuckshed
Skyrim was good but it is over rated
Skyrim is cuck material
It was fun and you know it
Fantasy is for gays
cucking hannibal soon (I'm secret co-owner)
who wants free nitro
Yes I am parking but the “par” is silent
Not me nitro is for homosexuals
“Skyrim is cuck material”
Said the engineering major
@🚂Quatroking🚂 (🇳🇱) go on
I will