Message from @ncSTL
Discord ID: 753736277958066187
stop being <:bluepill:689862417257332766>
@Josephine is it oc?
original content, like did you make it?
Uh no i found it on pinterest
oh ok lol 😹
@deth @Josephine me and da gang just killed another big wyvern monster
wish i could make cute drawings like that
he can shoot ice bolts
monster hunter world is just a worse witcher 3
i sincerely hope Trump wins 2020 simply bc of the thousands of commie and socialist suicides it will cause.
i have never played witcher 3
i will probably purchase it
play hotline miami instead
is witcher 3 any good
no its a game about **KILLING COMMUNISTS**
i see a lot of people simping for it but i have rarely seen any real opinions
it's one of the bets games ever tbh
witcher 3 is fucking great
degenerates becoming an hero <:FeelsLELMan:690282391205446005>
I hope trump loses so i can watch him be dragged out of the white house kicking and screaming
@Josephine me too sis!!
the blood and wine dlc is amazing
Oh sure lets have biden
Yes sis! @Josephine 💅🏿
tottaly not pro choice
cd project red puts more in a $10 dlc than most game devs do in entire games
Biden is an irish catholic
no he is not