Message from @wheredowegofromhereQ
Discord ID: 580880906684727298
I want to know whats behind the curtain thats behind the curtain thats behind the door.
Sometimes Im wrong. Or sometimes my research goes no where
And I have to start back at square 1.
Ok, the thing is. I'm not actually interested in conspiracies theories, because I understand how science works and I understand that it would be impossible to keep a huge conspiracy in the shadows.
@SighOperator Is that "Climate Change"
No one said anything about conspiracy theories?
In fact I have only referred to fact finding missions.
If you ever want to do what we call a deep dive, send me a message. I'll go wherever the facts lead.
A scientist's reputation and credibility is based on the credibility of their work. If they put out a study that uses poor methods, some other scientist will point it out and the study would be discredited. The scientist who pointed out the poor methods would be highly respected.
Do not forget that first they called it global cooling then global warming and then since they were wrong on both they called it climate change that way no matter what the climate did they were right! .................But no they are wrong!
Science never claims to have the final word on something. It never claims anything is 100% proven. It is always open to being proven wrong.
You have a point @tunacanman but the science world is vicious. I saw it first hand. What happens when a scientist goes in opposition to this climate theory?......legitimacy matters not. Because lets say said scientist is working for *enter any higher education institution name here* .......and that institution donates a ton of money to whatever candidate.......Do you think they're going to publish a report ....or even support a report that goes against the platform of that candidate?
Because its a scratch my back ill scratch yours world.
And state schools ....University of Texas....University of North Carolina.....all of them.....are donating to candidates
Not just Ivy Leagues
All of them.
Every last one is in cahoots with some politician or another
I go by the ABC Rule.
Its widespread corruption. Its right under our noses.
Any body but Carolina
and I have a whining dog that needs to pee
Ill be back shortly
Blue Ridge Parkway in NC...ftw. It's all I got for the moment.
I try to go down the parkway in the fall when the leaves change
If a scientist makes a discovery that goes against the current consensus, and that research can be replicated by other scientists, then that scientist RECIEVES A NOBEL PRIZE.